> Which is worst - living in a humid climate or a desert climate?

Which is worst - living in a humid climate or a desert climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
and which state or country would that be?

Women tend to age better in a humid climate, so that's my choice.

I live in Southern California primarily because it is most comfortable place to live. I have experienced the hot and humid places which includes just about everywhere else so you can put me down for humid being worse. Humid climates do have the benefit of typically being more green and more abundant water but for me it just isn't worth it.

If you had limited access to water, the desert would be worse. If you had no air conditioning, the humid climat would be worse.

Arizona is hot and dry,can get around 110 and if you don't use sun screen you can get nasty yellowish blisters staying outside,but it doesn't feel as hot as say flordia ,if you had a 100 degrees in flordia you can't hardly move or even breathe,you will sweat a lot more, but I think it's easier on the skin. I am fair skinned so I stay inside.

Humid, CT USA. It is only for 3 months or so but uncomfortable. I've been out in the Southwest AZ and NM and it is much hotter but more comfortable as long as you drink water. In the humid the sweat sticks to you like watery grease, in the dry it evaporates quickly and you hardly notice. One time in NM, I thought is was 75F, it was 104F. I thought it was cooler because I wasn't all sweaty.

and which state or country would that be?