> Which is an example of climate? a. record breaking b.in southern cali. c. a sudden snowstorm d.a week or rain?

Which is an example of climate? a. record breaking b.in southern cali. c. a sudden snowstorm d.a week or rain?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Answer = B.

All the things you’ve mentioned are examples of weather with the exception of B (In southern California, temperatures are generally mild and rainfall is low).

Weather is short-term and localised whereas climate is based on long-term averages, you can think of it as being the weather you would expect to get. If you were planning a trip to Southern California you would expect the weather to be mild with little rainfall, it’s no guarantee that’s what you’d get but it is the norm.

All those other events you listed are one-off events, the sort of things you don’t expect.

Climate is what it is. Every answer you give is a result of climate in that particular area. The climate is chaotic and non-linear and the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change has stated this time and again. That's why they are having problems predicting future states of the climate with their climate models. They are currently trying to figure out why temperatures aren't continuing to climb based on their predictions.

Weather is short term. climate is long term. Look at your choices and try and pick one based on that.

(Long term is longer than 1 week. climate change is classified as changes in the average weather trend over a 30 year period.)

climate is the average weather in an area while weather are day to day and week to week variations.

... or is it e?

A massive and prolonged drought in China caused the death of 7,000,000 people in the 1870s. The drought was so bad that people were compelled to sell their children as food to buy food because they didn't want to eat their own children.

It is none of the above!

Here's temperature data that shows that the trend of current warming of the planet is 0.14 Celsius in the past 35 years : http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu/data/msu/t2l...


Thumbs up Jeff M!

C, I always answer C! No question about it. Plus, snow is the most fun of all weather patterns!

Its b, unless you added

e. A heat wave in Paris kills 30 people,

Then the answer would be e.)

a.Record-breaking low temperatures caused a sudden freeze one day in Des Moines.

b.In southern California, temperatures are generally mild and rainfall is low.

c.A sudden snowstorm resulted in subzero temperatures and 30 inches of new snow.

d. A week of rain caused widespread flooding in Seattle.