> Where is the world water crisis happening in 2013?

Where is the world water crisis happening in 2013?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's all hogwash. We need to have the population culled out or nature will do it for us. As long as there are clouds, there will be fresh water.

Just like animals, if we overpopulate, we die of starvation or disease.

Many countries like Singapore, India and so on, but the US has a very serious problem, insufficient irrigation supplies for their grain crop and they rely a lot on the Ogallala aquifier, (left over water from the ice ages) when that runs out they will have big problems.

Water crisis?

The world is two-thirds covered with water.

Well at risk are low lying islands for salinity destroying drinking water, Africa and Asia have aquifers quickly losing water. I have included a couple of links. Once you learn how to google you can find more. zInclude 2013 in your search for up to date info




Where ever people are gullible to believe it.

do people care about this impending water crisis happening? which countries will it affect the most? what countries have a lack of water the most? what cities in the world have a a lack of water? is it true a child dies every minute from drinking dirty water? what cities of the world import all their water supply? research says it takes between two and seven gallons of water to flush a toilet......really?