> What‘s the matter with our plant on the earth??

What‘s the matter with our plant on the earth??

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Nowadays,the weather become more and more abnormal.It looks as if we have not distinguished season!Spring like winter or summer!What's the matter with our globe on the earth.

Earth's weather patterns change all the time. To takes a lot of years. We're in what scientist call global warming( meaning that in some regions it gets warmer/colder than what that region is use to. This is caused by more carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere,which is also caused by human interaction like power plants, and cars.) Earth is going to have to freaky weather in some regions as the weather shifts around the world.

climate change dude. unless you work in nasa or meteorology it's kind of hard to understand


not enough co2

Nowadays,the weather become more and more abnormal.It looks as if we have not distinguished season!Spring like winter or summer!What's the matter with our globe on the earth.