> Impact of ocean pollution?

Impact of ocean pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Causes :

1. Accidental and deliberate discharge of crude oil into the ocean by cargo ships is regarded as one of the prime causes of pollution of the water body.

2. Dumping of industrial wastes into ocean is another reason for marine pollution. The wastes often contain toxic materials such as mercury, dioxin, PCBs, PAHs and radioactive materials, which contaminate the water of ocean.

3. Deposition of sediments from mining leads to ocean pollution.

4. Trash washed into the ocean after heavy rain or floods gives rise to marine debris, which pollutes the water body.

5. Dumping of human wastes, plastic and disposal of untreated or partially treated sewage water into the ocean is called 'garbage dumping'. This is one of the leading causes of marine pollution.

6. Carbon dioxide, emitted by automobiles, due to the burning of fossil fuels, leads to air pollution. The contaminated air containing carbon dioxide reaches the ocean in the form of acid rain, thereby polluting the water.

Effects :

1. Oil spilling is hazardous for the marine life. It seriously affects the life cycle of coral reefs thriving in the ocean. The oil spilled in the ocean could clog up the gills of fishes, thereby preventing respiration. It affects the process of photosynthesis of marine plants, since it blocks the sunlight.

2. Toxic wastes have direct effect on marine life and affect the human beings indirectly. When the harmful toxic wastes are dumped into the ocean, the fishes could consume the poisonous chemicals. When the fish is eaten by humans, this could lead to food poisoning.

3. Dumping of garbage into ocean can deplete the oxygen dissolved in water. As a result, the health of marine life is affected seriously. Due to lack of oxygen, the sea animals including whales, seals, herrings, dolphins, penguins and sharks could perish.

4. Carbon dioxide is hazardous for marine life including coral reefs and free-swimming algae.

5. Plastics dumped into ocean can affect the marine life seriously. Plastic items such as bottles and bags could choke and suffocate the sea animals, as they eat them thinking that they are food. Plastics are known to be a major cause for the death of turtles, as they swallow the floating bags, mistaking them for jelly fish.

6. Dumping of industrial wastes such as pesticides, especially DDT, can accumulate in the fatty tissue of animals. This could lead to the failure in the reproductive system of mammals and birds.

Billions of barrels of oils seep from the ocean floor naturally and are absorbed by the environment. There are bacteria and other organisms that feed on oil and keep this natural cycle under control. The problem is when we cause a spill or you pour your used oil on the ground the pollution is not slow and spread out but fast and narrow. So you might Poison your own water supply by dumping oil or someone Else's...or a spill might pollute a river or shore line. The large majority of the BP oil spill was never seen...absorbed by nature. If that had not happened it truly would have been a much larger disaster.

Well as we all know or should know.... Oil floats. So an oil spill in the ocean would probably only affect birds or fish that swim towards the top. i.e. flying fish.

Partially treated sewer is also dumped in the water from some cruise ships.

Cruise ships and whaling ships also dump heavy metals like zinc, copper and nickel.

These mineral deposits can get into the water supply if they are dumped in an area where water is taken from and is put through reverse osmosis. Although reverse osmosis will filter these deposits, think of these African countries that do not have water treatment plants and get their water from the ocean and somehow remove the salt. This is not a big problem due to the abundance of aquifers (underground reservoirs filled with water). You won't get much pollution from to the ocean from cars due to the fact that the exhaust rises upwards. There are cars for a reason and we all know that global warming was a huge hoax.

Good luck!

Oil spilling is hazardous for the marine life. It seriously affects the life cycle of coral reefs thriving in the ocean. The oil spilled in the ocean could clog up the gills of fishes, thereby preventing respiration. It affects the process of photosynthesis of marine plants, since it blocks the sunlight.

Toxic wastes have direct effect on marine life and affect the human beings indirectly. When the harmful toxic wastes are dumped into the ocean, the fishes could consume the poisonous chemicals. When the fish is eaten by humans, this could lead to food poisoning.

Dumping of garbage into ocean can deplete the oxygen dissolved in water. As a result, the health of marine life is affected seriously. Due to lack of oxygen, the sea animals including whales, seals, herrings, dolphins, penguins and sharks could perish.

Carbon dioxide is hazardous for marine life including coral reefs and free-swimming algae.

Plastics dumped into ocean can affect the marine life seriously. Plastic items such as bottles and bags could choke and suffocate the sea animals, as they eat them thinking that they are food. Plastics are known to be a major cause for the death of turtles, as they swallow the floating bags, mistaking them for jelly fish.

Dumping of industrial wastes such as pesticides, especially DDT, can accumulate in the fatty tissue of animals. This could lead to the failure in the reproductive system of mammals and birds.

When the fish I catch eat the plastic garbage and it gets stuck in their digestive tract, growth ceases, maybe the fish dies. My fish (Alaska salmon) are returning smaller and smaller, so the fish they need to eat are also being compromised (undernourished, sick, smaller, overfished - decreasing, moving to cooler water).

Similar threatens shrimp, crab, and all our other seafood - they all must eat, so that we can harvest them. These are all affected by the poisons we toss, and we know we eat mercury when we eat big, fatty fish, because we poisoned the rivers when we mined for minerals. We get our hair tested to see how bad it is, not to find out if it exists.

Alright, so im doing a big research project, and there is lots online about how we are impacting the ocean, from oil spills, to cars and cruise ships, noise pollution, agriculture, carbon emissions and all the inbetween, but a large part of the project is HOW these things impact BOTH the ocean and us

so who in the ocean is impacted? I got the reefs, the fish...what else? And how are we as humans impacted?