> What is there we can do about global warming?

What is there we can do about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Things you can do to help:

1. Reduce waste. Anything you use took energy to make or process, and energy to transport it to you, and at least some of that energy was probably from fossil fuels like coal and oil. So, the less you waste, and thus the less you use, the less energy is used on your behalf

2. Drive less. Walk, take a bus, or ride your bike when you can to visit friends or go to work or school, instead of driving or having someone drive you. When you do have to drive somewhere, see if you can arrange a carpool so that fewer cars are needed, and/or arrange to do all your driving in one trip.

3. Buy environmentally friendly things. Buy recycled, buy local, buy "green". Not every "green" thing really is better for the environment (sometimes it's just a marketing gimmick), but if you're intelligent and careful, you can reduce your environmental impact by buying things that were made from re-used materials, or didn't have to be transported as far, or that are made with readily renewable resources like most plant fibers. Doing any of those things will tend to reduce the environmental impact of your purchases.

4. Learn more, and share with others. You may not be able to do the "big" things yourself (like set government policy, or switch the power company to renewable energy sources), but you can learn about them. And once you have learned about them, you can write letters, and get your friends to write letters, urging the relevant people (your government representatives, the power company, and so forth) to take appropriate action.

On a broader scale, we need to make international agreements to get everyone to reduce their CO2 and methane emissions.

The main reason this isn't happening is... nobody wants to go first, and the various countries don't quite trust each other.

There are costs associated with reducing CO2 and methane emissions. But everybody benefits from everybody else's reductions. So, if one country--say, the US--makes the reductions, and another country--say, China--doesn't, then China gets all the benefits from the reductions by the US, but doesn't have any of the costs. In fact, given that some of the things the US might do to make those reductions might make other locations more attractive to businesses, the US acting unilaterally might directly improve China's economy (something similar to the one serious drawback of minimum wage laws, though it's mostly felt with local minimum wage laws rather than national ones)

It is not a simple matter, there are countries, that their peoples main concern is to find food to feed their children, quite rightly CO2 and climate change is not something they are concerned about.

Then there are people like me who do not believe CO2 is a danger, it could be beneficial by increasing plant biomass.

There is a lot of politics involved, with people trying to use climate change to further their positions.

I think a real global agreement will not be possible, those who live in the undeveloped world, want what the west has, and while we have cars, air-conditioning, dish washers, refrigerator's and so on, they want the same and are not going to cut back on emissions when we don't.

Have you noticed when talking about Global Warming, the USA is the one and only criminal polluting the environment? This makes sense as the Global Warming crowd are the same leftist who despise capitalism...connect the dots, it's pretty easy. Never mind all of these third world countries in Central/South America, Russia, China, Etc. The leftist don't care anything about them, it's all about how the Capitalist are destroying earth.....yawn how predicable

If we take the following action plans, we can reduce the global warming effect to some extend:

1.Be well informed about global warming. Global warming already disrupts millions of lives daily in the forms of destructive weather patterns and loss of habitat.Being educated on the subject is the first important step to taking action. On a personal level, you'll be more apt to change your lifestyle if you know the truth; on a political level, you'll be better able to inform others and inspire change if you study the issue first.

2.Challenge others about global warming. A great way to broaden your own impact is to rally other people to your cause. The more scientific facts you have to back yourself up, the better you can persuade people to make simple yet effective changes in daily behavior. Energy-saving techniques either are initially expensive (for example, solar power) or take extra time (for example, recycling), so many people need to be convinced that their efforts matter.

o Demonstrate the benefits of these activities and highlight how each person can play a vital role in helping to reduce global warming. Use examples that show what will happen if these actions are not taken.

o Remember that civil society does not respond at all well to moralistic scolding, so use education to enlighten, not frighten.

3.Changing Your Consumption Habits:

Choose vegetarian or vegan meals. Livestock are responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than transportation is. This is due to the large amounts of petroleum used in creating ammonium nitrate fertilizer (for the corn that they are fed) plus the cost of shipping that corn to the cattle and then shipping the cattle to slaughter and grocery. Choosing vegetarian foods also drastically reduces agricultural water consumption and land use, and favorably impacts biodiversity.[6

o When you do eat meat, make sure it's from a local source, so that it didn't have to travel as far to get to your table.

o Try eat both vegetables and meat that came from small farms, rather than large industrial farms, which use environmentally harmful practices.

4. Reuse and recycle more: Use recycling bins to dispose of glass, plastic, paper, cardboard, and other recycleable items. Encourage neighbors, supervisors, colleagues, and businesses to do likewise (15-25% of people do not recycle).

o Use cloth shopping bags instead of getting paper or plastic at the grocery store.

o Compost your leftovers and food scraps instead of tossing them in the trash.

5. Use refills: Try using refills instead of buying new jars or bottles each time. This reduces your consumption and is usually cheaper, too.

6.Buy minimally packaged goods: Less packaging could reduce your garbage significantly, saving 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide and $1,000 per year. If you consider a certain products' packaging to be excessive, mail it to the company with your challenge to the company to reduce its packaging; include suggestions on how if you have ideas.

Besides the above mentioned things, if we follow the following tips, we can also reduce the global warming :

? Planting trees balances carbon emissions and pollution. There are organizations that will help you offset your carbon footprint.

? Try to consume fewer products to help conserve resources and control waste. Rent movies and video games instead of buying them, or buy them used, or at a garage sale. Check out books in the library or buy them used, or at a garage sale.

? Take responsibility for your office's energy use. Many offices leave air conditioners, computers and lights running all night. Work with responsible parties in your company to turn off these devices or use power-saving features when possible.

? Grow fast growing plants.Plants like bamboo grow faster and produce 35% more oxygen than trees like oak or birch, and require fewer chemicals and care. Make sure that the plants are appropriate for your area; prefer native over introduced species and do not plant problem species. Bamboo, for example, can be very invasive in most of the US.

? Try to use more tap water and less bottled water.[21] Doing so will reduce the energy costs of bottling and transporting water.

Get rid of China, that would be a start

Use clean energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power.


I'm 14 just hear me out on this, I know theres ways to prevent and stuff like biking instead of taking cars and stuff but no matter how many of us start doing this... not everyone is going to co-operate you know what i mean? no matter how many people we get to do this... theres always going to be billions out there destroying the planet... i'm just asking why don't the goverments all come together and have a serious talk about global warming and everyone having to co-operate in this as the law to prevent the end of our world (slowly but surely) please let me know if i'm not making any sense just looking for answers thankyou.