> What is the hottest month in recorded history?

What is the hottest month in recorded history?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
According to NOAA it is now back to July 1936

Just look at the old bandits on this site. Still pushing their pig slop science. Just look at linlyons and others mention of the 'G' factor (Or GLOBAL, for ones like Dorkster). "Well, you fellows don't realize 'G' stands for global. Ha! Ha!"

Yes we do. But where are all the credible GLOBAL TEMPERATURE readings? You can safely pooh pooh that idea because there are none. So you con artists pull the 'sleight of hand' and fool only the stupid and unwary and allude to a non-existent set of data. You should realize that even in the 70s the Earth's temperature was still being discussed and found insufficient to prove one way or the other.

And as for Antarcticice:


This has been displayed on this site many times. You should take in real facts, not just AGW propaganda.

So here we go again

Your heading suggests a global temperature (given this is the global warming section)

Yet all you are really talking about is just the U.S. and just one month (what was that recurring denier fib about alarmists talking about local weather)

That you are trolling and not really wanting real answers has become blatantly clear to all, which is of course why you are again post this sort of nonsense with multiple referees to Watts rather than to the actual NOAA site, i.e. even you know you have nothing.

as for 1936, as it relates to the globe, it had 12 months (not 1) and on a global scale 1936's anomaly was -0.10c compared to 2013's +0.61c


So what next, perhaps you could look up just one state in the U.S. for Jul 1936, perhaps on just 1 day and even between 3-4pm in the afternoon.

Asked by kano, with an answer by kano as well?, is this a new site option.

To the answering kano, I dare you to post a link to a real site that supports your statement "NOAA has been found to be fabricating 40% of the readings", that is a straight out lie.

On a global scale even the month of July in 1936 doesn't rate, back in 2013 that Jul was the 6th warmest in the modern record and the warmest was in 1998, not 1936.

That's according to NOAA themselves, not pretend graphs Watts has prepared.


The second warmest July (again according to NOAA) was in 2010


So still no sign of 1936, funny how someone who pretends he lives in the Philippines has such an interest in U.S. Regional weather.

It's interesting to look at how much difference correcting this error in processing has made. Here is a graph:


What appears to be a horizontal line on the graph is actually the difference between the corrected data set and the previous one. If you see the difference there your eyes are better than mine. But that's just for CONUS, what about globally (since that's what GLOBAL warming refers to)? Here is another graph that shows the difference between the corrected and old data sets globally:


This graph is zoomed in and you can see it's not perfectly horizontal...but it's very flat. Correcting for the problems in the data set wouldn't change any conclusions based on it. It will change some of the monthly rankings, that's for sure, but they are more sensitive to changes like that.

Wrong category. Global warming refers to a long term global trend, not one day at one place versus one day in another.

This "question" would be like asking, in a discussion about Mideast peace efforts, on which day in the history of the region did the most military casualties occur, and linking to a graph showing June 5, 1915 (Gallipoli) higher than November 8, 2004 (Fallujah) and insinuating that therefore the Mideast has become a much more peaceful region over the past century.

Try the category Science and Mathematics / Weather.

I have not been on here for a while, so I thought I come and see if things have improved somewhat and this is the first question I opened, it will also be the last because "pathetic" doesn't even come close to describing this spam disguised as a question.

My first question was "Why on earth would any one link to some blog to see what NOAA claims is the hottest month in recorded history, rather then NOAA itself?" Then I open the link and they are talking about 48 of the U.S. States" It seems those denier blogs are still struggling with the "G" in "AGW".

I added a link for the month of July. If you enable JavaScript you can try playing with the time frames and/or narrow it to those parts of the worlds you want measurements for in order to get an answer that fits your beliefs.

You have been told this before. You continue to state that the 1930s were the warmest months in recorded history then you state it is CONUS when called out on it. You have made exactly the same errors before. Then you link to an article that states that the dust bowl was caused by numerous factors. Not one of those factors, however, gets to the heart of the matter.


You continue making this exact same error. Why is that? then when you are called out on it instead of stating that you were wrong you attack others.

yeah, the hottest day in the 48 states was during the dust bowl.

One would think that you'd think about the connection between the dust bowl and the heat.

Instead, you seem to think that it doesn't matter that we're coming close to that.

Interesting how we look at the same facts and don't see the same thing.

Me: Hot enough to cause the dust bowl.

Kano: It's been hot before, so just because we're coming close doesn't imply that there's anything to worry about.

Changes will keep happening in the temperature data. It hasn't stopped since they started trying to blame humans for increased atmospheric temperatures. The problem will always be with our knowledge of how much of a forcing effect that CO2 has with the addition of 120 ppm to the atmosphere. They simply can't measure it, just as they can't accurately measure global average temperature accurately.

in 1912 nevada around 53 i dont know correct


Yes we can see your out of touch, and don't realize that NOAA has been found to be fabricating 40% of the readings, they would be the last place I would go for the truth

According to NOAA it is now back to July 1936 http://wattsupwiththat.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/nyt_revised_july2012.png?w=640