> What is Obama going to try and pull off with his "Climate Change" agenda?

What is Obama going to try and pull off with his "Climate Change" agenda?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
His plan is to bankrupt coal companies, which is what he said in 2008. He also plans to make cars more expensive, with his fuel mileage standards.

For once, I actually agree with Dook.

Obama promised to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. He used the republican timeframe for exitting Iraq and increased our involvement in Afghanistan. He tend to talk a good game, but has little follow-through.

I voted Obama in 2008, based upon what he promised to accomplish. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012, based upon what Obama actually did accomplish. (I can't bring myself to vote repub).

What Obama SAYS usually sounds good (except to people who anyway never listen to him and instead choose to believe all sorts of laughably ignorant and pitifully racist lies about him).

What Obama ACCOMPLISHES is usually minimal.

I see no reason to expect an exception in this case.

I just hope he actually has a plan and doesn't cave into the anti-Canada people who want to stop Keystone XL and not take responsibility for the fact that it is their consumption that is causing global warming.

Read agenda 21 pdf it's all in there

Raise taxes and enslave mankind.

I have heard him speak about Climate Change, and I know it's a big part of his agenda.

What can we expect him to try and do before he leaves office? What do you think he has planned?