> What effects would we experience if the ozone keeps depleting and reached 10% of what it used to be?

What effects would we experience if the ozone keeps depleting and reached 10% of what it used to be?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
At what point until we start having ready effects from its deterioration

We have about 50% of the ozone protection at the equator, as compared to areas away form the equator, year 'round. This is because trade winds loft water vapor. This has the effect of lots of land that cannot grow crops, and houses very few people.

The ozone layer has been depleting since the late 1700s, and the effects have been:

- increases in UV-215 thru UV-280 arriving at Earth's surface

- increases in skin cancer and mutation,

- increases in cataracts,

- increases in starvation, as crop yields are smaller, crops have less nutrition, and once-fertile land is sterilized.

Rather than wasting breath with denials, or claiming it is fixed, or even arguing this is the wrong section, I will answer your question. If ozone dropped to 10% of what it was in the late 1700s, most of the human life on Earth would be found near the arctic or antarctic circles, or even closer to the poles.


"... I guess he must be an alien since we have been measuring it for less than 50 years."

There only a few dozen papers where tree rings were analyzed in various climes, for the presence of chemical that plants use for sunscreen, and they show that this chemical has been increasing since the 1700s. And this makes sense, since we have been seeing more and more high altitude water vapor since the Industrial Revolution:



If clouds are present, water vapor is more than saturated.


The stratospheric ozone layer was only discovered 100 years ago in 1913.


And its extent & ''thickness'' have been accurately measured for only about 50-60 years we don't really know what effects a change will have.

A good proxy would be to study the flora , fauna & people that live at high altitudes & are exposed to 50%- 200% more uv radiation than those at sea level.


A study of the people who have been living above 4000 meters in the Andes & Himalayas for thousands of years should reveal some of the real world effects.

We had that scare back in the 70s and 80s. Al Gore and associates fixed it. Remember? That's when they banned R12. It fixed it. Don't you remember? So what are you worrying about.

Actually, I heard that if the hole in the ozone layer went to 0% there would be a giant sucking sound and all the people would be sucked into space. I heard that from Gary F's relative, just as he was leaving Elvis' birthday party. He's even got a picture of him. Isn't science wonderful?

I see the Grifter and his relatives have nothing to worry about.

Its been fixed for 30 years .

All life on earth would fry except roaches

Depletion? Wrong science class!

Who is the idiot science teacher that taught you that?

Please do tell!

At what point until we start having ready effects from its deterioration