> What are three things that humans can do to decreease global warming?

What are three things that humans can do to decreease global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You're asking the wrong question. First of all you should ask, "Is there really such a thing as global warming?" The answer is, "Yes and no. In some areas it is becoming warmer - but in other areas, no. No one seems to want to address the fact that the polar ice caps are growing. No, they only want to talk about the ice that's melting. And they do not want to investigate it. The melting ice is just a part of what the Earth has been doing for aeons. Yes, the ice melts sometimes. So? But take a look at the fact that the ice in other areas is increasing. The "global warming" story is way overblown - I might even call it a scam but for the fact that there is warming taking place in certain areas. But other areas are growing colder. Investigate this issue before you post again ...

Things you can do to help:

1. Reduce waste. Anything you use took energy to make or process, and energy to transport it to you, and at least some of that energy was probably from fossil fuels like coal and oil. So, the less you waste, and thus the less you use, the less energy is used on your behalf

2. Drive less. Walk, take a bus, or ride your bike when you can to visit friends or go to work or school, instead of driving or having someone drive you. When you do have to drive somewhere, see if you can arrange a carpool so that fewer cars are needed, and/or arrange to do all your driving in one trip.

3. Buy environmentally friendly things. Buy recycled, buy local, buy "green". Not every "green" thing really is better for the environment (sometimes it's just a marketing gimmick), but if you're intelligent and careful, you can reduce your environmental impact by buying things that were made from re-used materials, or didn't have to be transported as far, or that are made with readily renewable resources like most plant fibers. Doing any of those things will tend to reduce the environmental impact of your purchases.

4. Learn more, and share with others. You may not be able to do the "big" things yourself (like set government policy, or switch the power company to renewable energy sources), but you can learn about them. And once you have learned about them, you can write letters, and get your friends to write letters, urging the relevant people (your government representatives, the power company, and so forth) to take appropriate action.

OK, we can decrease Global Warming by:

1. Holding your breath to decrease your expiration of CO2.

2. Employing muscular control to decrease your production of flatulence.

3. Drinking hard liquor instead of beer and soda pop to decease the release of carbon dioxide from carbonated beverages.

But, seriously, folks...

Human beings can work in a POTENT WAY to decrease the dissemination of the hoax that is AGW by pushing for wide-spread education. And, by employing Critical Thinking. Go for it!!!

Quote by Timothy Wirth, U.S./UN functionary, former elected Democrat Senator: “We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Does this make you nervous, like it does me?!! He is saying that there is a hidden agenda…like that of NAFTA and GATT (and the IMF and World Bank). Incidentally, I DO care about legitimate ecological issues, and want to see a major effort to shift to renewable energy sources, and innovative engines...and think that perhaps air flight (and professional auto racing and perpetual wars of conquest and occupation) should be restricted...or even outlawed.

In actuality:

1. Nothing

2. Nothing

3. Nothing

According to greenies:

1. Pay higher taxes.

2. Turn to Communism.

3. One world government.

In reality, man can do nothing to change the world's temperature.

I think that your answers here pretty much demonstrate the average warmer's position pretty well. Pretty funny, really.

Some funny highlights from the people who are SERIOUS about this:

Think Earth as your home and try not to make it dirty. - FREAKIN HILARIOUS. This guy undoubtedly thinks that he is far superior and contributes less badness to the world than OTHER people. Can we like sit in a circle and chant and stuff too?

Not litter. - Ya. WTF. Hey, I hate people that litter. They are lazy, self important jerks. But wtf does it have to do with global warming.

Arrest all corporate executives for public hangings. Then shut down most large corporations. Make professional politician professions illegal. - Well, there you have it. A perfect demonstration of the warmer crazies. Not just stupidity like demonstrated in the above examples. This one is full on crazy.

Arrest all corporate executives for public hangings. Then shut down most large corporations. Make professional politician professions illegal. I can't tell you how fast global warming would be a thing of the past if those measures were taken. You see the rich destroy the worst at an ever alarming faster and faster pace. They take from the ground and return to it poisonous trash for cash, drugs, and sex. If poisoning a lake that may kill untold amounts of people for a bonus of maybe as little as $2000 they will all fight to see who can poison the lake the fastest for the bonus.

Dont fart, dont use fossil fuel, decrease your daily water usement, aquire solar panels, dont buy cheap stuff from China(they pollute a lot)

1. Try minimizing pollution.

2. Think Earth as your home and try not to make it dirty.

3. Understand the terms Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Wait for an ice age.

Nuke China.

Nothing . Cant make it rain and cant stop it

Not litter

Nothing considering that the climate is beyond human control.

For those who think it is tell me 3 things that humans can do to stop the continents from moving due to tectonic shift.

Tell me 3 things that humans can do to stop volcanic activity.

Tell me 3 things humans can do to stop the long term and short term solar cycles in the sun.

Tell me 3 things humans can do to stop the atlantic and pacific multidecadal oscillations.

Tell me 3 things that humans can do to stop the Milankovitch cycles.

Tell me 3 things that humans can do to stop the moon from drifting an inch further away from earth every year.

Tell me 3 things humans can do to prevent the earth's magnetic field from flipping.

All these things affect the earth's climate in one way or another. CO2 is nothing compared to most of these yet humanity is powerless to control them. AGW cultists can feel like plugging a tiny hole in a dike with a finger is going to make all the difference in the world when there are 100s if not 1000s of others holes, many several orders of magnitude bigger, streaming water all around the statist libt*rd with a finger in the dike.

World wide coordinated jumping to move the earth away from the sun, bitching about paying the true cost of things, blame it on everyone else, claim that your actions would be insignificant and do nothing,