> What are some positive aspects of so-called "global warming"?

What are some positive aspects of so-called "global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is positive that it isn't happening.

It is positive that it isn't dangerous or catastrophic.

It is positive that a bunch of crooks are getting richer. (At least to them.)

It is positive that only 40% now believe it.

It is positive that it has been exposed that 'environmentalism' is a political scam rather than science and we can clearly see that these shysters, like Al Gore, will do anything dishonorable to advance their wicked and cruel agenda.

And as to the real global warming, in contrast to the AGW scam, The midwestern part of the US, for example, was once covered in glaciers. Since melting there has been exposed rich, fertile, and life enhancing farm land that has literally fed millions.

Warmer temperatures means less heating costs and less people dying by freezing to death.

Well the globe is not warming too much, so we are unlikely to see any positive aspects, but if it was well.

Certainly an increase in food production, more crops grown, more grazing for cattle (this is already happening just through CO2 increases, even though we are not getting warmer)

A wetter world, history shows us that a warmer world is a wetter world, as wikipedia tells us the Holocene Climate Optimum was also called the African Moist Period, nowhere in history can we find a warm period when deserts grew, they always shrank, okay while this might mean a few more floods, it will mean less droughts.

With warming a huge expanse of land now covered by tundra and ice sheets would be opened up for habitation, yes we would lose some land to rising sea levels but we have the technology, the ingenuity to minimize this (the Dutch are master of land reclamation)

Global warming would not mean an overall increase in temps, scientists know that the polar regions will warm much more than the equatorial regions, so a one degree rise in the tropics would be a four or five degree rise in the arctic regions (hmm not too hot where it is hot, but much warmer where it is cold) I can't complain about that.

Basically the world would become a warmer greener place, with more habitat for wildlife and us.

Probably the greatest benefit is crop yields. CO2 is NOT a pollutant that's pure nonsense. CO2 is critical for the continuation of life on this planet. If it wasn't for CO2, the Earth would be like the moon it would be completely lifeless, except for a few varieties of subterranean or deep sea bacteria that rely on chemosynthesis for energy. Simply put CO2 is plant food. That's what plants breath, and no plants means no people, or any other animal. All plants on Earth are quite severely CO2 starved. CO2 levels are, in Earth terms, at historic lows. All flora on this planet evolved to live in an atmosphere with much higher CO2 levels.

Humans breath an atmosphere that's 20% oxygen 80% nitrogen. What if you suddenly had to cope with 10% oxygen? That's what plants are coping with right now they are very CO2 starved and an increase in CO2 means better plant growth. Not only does this greatly improve food crops but it also means forests bounce back quicker. CO2 is actually fuelling the recovery of the biosphere, and we're trying to stop it in the name of protecting the biosphere. It makes zero sense.

Climate change, super storms, droughts, disappearing glaciers, there are several indicators of global warming

Endless sunshine





Solar energy for one.

energy efficiency

Everyone talks about how bad so-called "global warming" is, but I'm looking to know if you can see some positive aspects of a warming planet. What are some of the good things about so-called "global warming" that you would like to share with others?