> There's an ice storm in Dallas. How's that global warming treating them?

There's an ice storm in Dallas. How's that global warming treating them?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Everyone knows that when the Earth gets warmer it snows! Common sense, right?!

Ice storm in Dallas is proof of global warming, just like any unusual weather occurrence.

Of cours this has happened before, haven't you heard of the Cowboys vs Packers in the Ice Bowl?

Oh wait, that was in Green Bay...

Global Warming happens slowly. At its peak rate of change in the future it may change the temperature at up to 6 degrees Celsius per year. So no, Global Warming is real and it wont be hindering the snow much in these early stages unless something drastic happens.

And it was 40 degrees 2000 miles north in Maine when it should have been in the low 20's. Explain that one.

I find that common sense is not as common as one may think it to be. Thank you for the example of this. Colder air will hold less moisture and thus less water to precipitate. Have you ever heard of it being too cold to snow? Did you know that Antarctica is a desert? ... The Dallas area is not the planet. Rain, snow ,sleet, hail nor drought of a city should be considered what is happening around the rest of the planet. Another bit of information you may have over looked. Dallas is entering its winter months and winters still happen due to the tilt of Earth on its axis and its annual voyage around its sun.

There's an ice storm in Dallas, therefore there's evidence against Global Warming?

You need to work on your reasoning my friend...



Global warming is climate. "It's cold today in Dallas" is weather. Learn the difference...

http://www.climatecentral.org/blogs/scie... is a lovely analogy for the climate vs weather problem.

And, actually, yes. Warmer air holds more moisture. You'll tend to get the most snow when temperatures are *just* below freezing (or little enough above freezing that the snow doesn't melt), you don't get nearly as much snow when it's 40 below.

Global warming ended in 2012. Get used to it. Mike

Ya - just because it got cold somewhere, that PROVES that the Billionaire lies you love to push are all true.

Wrong category. The ice storm in Dallas is weather.


Everyone knows that when the Earth gets warmer it snows! Common sense, right?!