> The polls show that very few people are concerned about Climate Change. Why do you think that is?

The polls show that very few people are concerned about Climate Change. Why do you think that is?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The Climategate Email Scandal and attempted cover-up.

The Hockeystick scandal and attempted cover-up.

The 'Inconvenient Truth' Scandal and the hypocritical life style of its author.

The 'Stranded Polar Bear' photo Scandal.

Just to name a few reasons.

Nixon wasn't a conservative and Teddy Roosevelt was a Progressive. I cut Teddy a little slack because he hadn't had world wars and multiple murderous regimes as experience to what leftist governments are capable of but in any even, he was wrong. Nixon was just a political hack. There are plenty of leftist Republicans and they have inflicted great harm on our nation. They just do it a slower pace than Democrats.

There is no demonstrated harm from our CO2 emissions, only a bunch of idiotic Chicken Littles shrilling screaming about their latest crisis.

Too comfortable. All the general public is interested in is 'feeling good'. Self-gratification is all we want, apparently. Everyone will sit around and argue points all day, but it is for no purpose other than to possibly win the argument to feel good about themselves. Useless conversations that go nowhere...completely pointless.

Because the extreme right wing of the Republican party has made it into a politicized and divisive issue rather than it just being a scientific issue. Let's not forget it was Nixon, a Republican, who created the EPA and Teddy Roosevelt, another Republican, who created the National Parks.

People want jobs not stupid Carbon taxes that will make more unemployment

people are not buying al gore's BS

someone would like you to continue searching. try news categories.

Because of misinformation from the denialist propaganda machine.

people are too busy with life to worry about things they don't really understand or believe is happening.

Because you're a moron
