> Should we be scared for our future?

Should we be scared for our future?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
like with global warming and such:)

you me and the other seven billion people in the world are all gonna die an agonizing and brutal death at the hands of nature herself. say it gets so hot the blood in our veins boils and the earth burns. but untill the point it ends i plan to live as if it intends to keep ticking and so should you, dont worry about things out of your control if the earth is dying then you cant change that nor can i or any organisations on earth, it is impossible to fix a planet on any scale just know that if it ends in our lifetime what causes it will be the most extrodinary sight ever (a nuclear mushroom cloud, a 100m wall of water, a australia sized asteroid, a solar flare, or a supernova all would be a amazing once in a million lifetimes thing to see before you die so chin up)

Every generation should be concerned and thinking about management -- but not scared -- of the challenges ahead. Your grandparents (or great grandparents) had to worry about great war machines poised to enslave the world; your grandparents worried about nuclear war (or perhaps terrorism, depending on their age). You have opportunities to worry and opportunism to celebrate. Your generation might solve cancer: ask your parents how great that is. But yeah, you get extra storm surges, heat waves and drought from global warming. Participate. Find a cure. Your life is better because past people studied and learned how to make life better for you. So now it's your turn; what will you do for your kids?

Only be afraid of the political ramifications. If the greenies get their way it would be a horrible life.

Quote from the UN's Own "Agenda 21": "Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."

These evil monsters want 'reorientation' for us and that is the only thing to be afraid of, not our atmosphere or climate.

Don't be scared. There are some very good solutions to global warming, such as solar, wind and nuclear power.

I dont know...consider religious views on this. I contemplate armaggedon all the time. Christianity speaks of end times and me personally as someone who struggles with whether or not I believe this. I am a little worried. Read the Left Behind series and you'll get a good idea.

I am much more scared of global cooling, with warming the earth gets greener and nicer, food crops are grown more easily, human habitat land area is greater.

global cooling means ice sheets, deserts, crop failures, and everybody wanting to live near the equator.


Not unless you plant to make an reasonable impact on any of these problems. Reducing your carbon footprint isn't cutting it BTW.

yes, for sure. no one wants to die earlier

I would

we should better be prepared i HOPE

like with global warming and such:)