> Scientists have proved that so-called "global warming" causes more lightning strikes.?

Scientists have proved that so-called "global warming" causes more lightning strikes.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The year 2012 had 20% fewer lighting strikes than average. Does this prove the earth's temperatures have plateaued or now declining?

Of course it does not, only the temperature measurements do this, but I do like the message you are trying to convey.

If warmers want to use events as evidence of AGW (which they should not be doing), then their lack of occurence shoudl be evidence of a lack of global warming.

If A then B MEANS If not B then not A. This is why they should not be using these events as evidence of AGW in the first place.

Unfortunately, this is basic logic and the sad truth is that logic is not taught in school and is only partially covered in math classes.


Wait a tic CR, You are right, it ONLY shows that AGW does not cause more lightning strikes. What else does it not cause???

Crop production is increasing faster than population.

Droughts have not increased in the past 60 years.

How many scare-mongering claims about what AGW WILL cause, have to be shown false BEFORE warmers stop making unwarranted scare-mongering claims about what AGW will cause???

Call me crazy, BUT... I think if they are going to make a claim about what AGW will cause, they should ahve sufficient data to back up their claims, not guess or models. Would you generally support "scientists" making claims of seeming certianty, when they are so uncertain that data like this could come out???

Also, if they continually made scare-mongering claims that are later shown false, how many of these claims are shown false before you start to wonder at the level of bias in the field???

Science has not really "proven" anything, if you actually pay attention to science. Science is constantly changing based off of collected data, properly conducted experiments, and the constant evolution of technology and intelligence.

As for climate change, if you believe that the world is billions of years old, which I do, climate change(aka global warming/cooling) has happened in our prehistoric past. But the emissions of gases caused by humans are hastening the natural cycles of our world(this is once again scientific theory).

Please do some actual research. Just because 2012(and it's 2014 now, btw), reported fewer lightening strikes it doesn't really mean anything in particular if you take on the larger scale of hundreds, to thousands, to millions, to billions of years of cycles.

Raisin Caine makes an excellent answer. Hurricanes have died down since Katrina, which we were told was proof of global warming, even God's punishment for emitting all that CO2.

If that's the trend, who needs thermometers?

If global warming does not cause more lightning, or more hurricanes, or more prostitution, it would only prove that global warming does not cause these things. Only temperature measurements can tell us whether or not Earth is warming.


Every summer its the same old story, record breaking hi temps, every winter its the same old story, record breaking lows.. global warming is a joke, just my opinion haters!

Its just a run on their Computer Models , does not reflect reality .

Lying again?

The year 2012 had 20% fewer lighting strikes than average. Does this prove the earth's temperatures have plateaued or now declining?