> No schoolchild has seen global warming, statement that says it all really?

No schoolchild has seen global warming, statement that says it all really?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'd be careful with statements like that.

I recall somebody (scientists actually) proclaiming children won't know what snow looks like and another that they got a sled for their daughter for nothing. Although, as far as I know, they still have their jobs.

Denying that the world is warming is like denying that you're alive. It's pure nonsense to do.

What is debatable are the causes of global warming. Not whether it is happening or not.


Maxx obviously doesn't know the world is older than 17 years. Expand the chart's range and you get this:


Stop trying to mislead people about the facts.

edit: Even if that other chart you posted is accurate, that still shows that the world is warming. Global warming doesn't mean that it's never been that warm, all it means is that the temperature is rising. For all we know it could be a natural cycle the Earth goes through.

If it was 50 degrees colder 25 years ago, no school child would have seen global warming either- todays temperature would be the norm they grow up with. Your statement says nothing other than it will take reasonable adults to educate the next generation, not morons.

No school child has seen gravity or any of the germs that make them sick.

I'll go with A, B, and C because your question is: true, hard-hitting, irrefutable stupidity.


Simon C --

Maxx isn't tryimg to mislead people - he's just that stupid.

No schoolchild has seen Pluto or helium or frame drag so lets chuck them out too.

I guess what you are trying to say is this : "I am too intellectually lazy to understand science , therefore it is wrong" ........... creationists have been using this one for many decades

Simon C obviously hasn't looked at the temperature records lately.


There never was any man-made Global Warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Despite being not true, you denialists will beat that claim to death

except in the schools of liberals where they have 25 to 30 year old 2nd graders

No schoolchild has seen global warming, statement that says it all really?

Not mine originally, but what a bold unequivocal statement regarding the belief being foisted on our children.

Just think, the statement is:

A. True

B. Hard-hitting

C. Irrefutable

Has everything a slogan needs, let's see it used more often and consign this global warming nonsense to where it belongs, the dustbin of history.