> Is the climate change denier industry finally merging with all the other cranks?

Is the climate change denier industry finally merging with all the other cranks?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They are not so much merging as they are showing their true identity.

But, it does sound like Australia is adopting America's bottom feeders..

The climate change denier industry certainly has its cranks. It's become one of the rallying points for those who like conspiracy theories, who think they know more than experts, and who don't want the federal government to mess with their right to do what they want.

But the climate change denier industry is in a class all by itself as it is funded by people who want to keep the fossil fuel industries profitable and who want to stamp out any industries that might compete with them for your energy dollars, such as sustainable energy industries. The fossil fuel companies have put their short-term profits over the health and welfare of the citizens and of future generations. There've also made the world much more cynical by attacking science and our democratically elected government.

It varies, more then a few hate liberals because those evil liberals prevent them from forcing their particular dogma's onto others. There are a few who question the science and I am sure there are even fewer who have a good reason to question the part(s) they do question.

The parts no one disputes are that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that without greenhouse gases the earth average temperature would be 33C colder (a giant snowball) and that we have added 40% more CO2 to the atmosphere.

Nalliah has also stated that humans have only existed on Earth for 6,000 years.

I would write him off as an eccentric nut job but unfortunately he's a bit too politically savvy to ignore.

As for Monckton, his peerage is very ancient, one of the oldest in England. It stretches right back to 1957, when his grandfather Walter was made first Viscount of Brenchley, for services as a Conservative politician. Geez ...

I realize alarmists can't rely on facts and science so all they are left with is insulting anyone that disaggrees with them. I don't know why they don't simply bother to learn the science first.

At least I know which party to put last on the senate ticket now.

"Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right,

Here I am, stuck in the middle ..."

-Stealers Wheel

I think you and the other AGW proponents have a bigger burden to bear. You claim that there is a 90% probability that man is causing the global temperatures to rise. You still have that other 10% to go. You've been stuck on it for years and now all you can do is make stupid comments about Lord Monckton? Maybe you should help those Real Climate Scientists do some more research instead of worrying about other people's adventures. You have a ways to go. We're done with our homework.

AGW deniers mostly claim that there is a 99% probability that Natural Climate Variability is causing the warming and man's input is less than 1%. We have proven this over and over and have presented our evidence. You can't even get climate models right. How many more billions of dollars do you need? It's a scientific fact that humans only add less than 1% to the total Greenhouse Effect. Who are the ones closer to being 100% in proving their case?

Here's what you've got left to prove:

1) Past temperature data. Inferences about climate and atmospheric composition extending back as long as 400,000 years. These and other proxy data indicate that the range of natural climate variability is in excess of several degrees C on local and regional space scales over periods as short as a decade. Your case is based on a 0.75 C rise in temperature and most of that occured before 1940 when CO2 was barely an issue. Temperature variations at local sites have exceeded 10°C (18°F) in association with the repeated glacial advances and retreats that occurred over the course of the past million years. It is more difficult to estimate the natural variability of global mean temperature because large areas of the world are not sampled and because of the large uncertainties inherent in temperatures inferred from proxy evidence.

Let's not forget the 1 degree C spike in global temperatures during the period 1997-1998. Science seems to forget their conclusion concerning El Ninos during that time.

2) Water vapor in climate models and the "largest source of uncertainty" for AGW supporters to prove man-made climate change. The responses of atmospheric water vapor amount and clouds probably generate the most important global climate feedbacks. The nature and magnitude of these hydrologic feedbacks give rise to the "largest source of uncertainty about climate sensitivity", and they are an area of continuing research. The true climate sensitivity remains uncertain, in part because it is difficult to model the effect of cloud feedback. In particular, the magnitude and even the sign of the feedback can differ according to the composition, thickness, and altitude of the clouds, and some studies have suggested a lesser climate sensitivity. On the other hand, evidence from paleoclimate variations indicates that climate sensitivity could be higher than the above range, although perhaps only on longer time scales.

You can't account for clouds in your future climate models which is the main evidence. Your models are useless!

3) Ocean circulation. Climate also responds in a systematic way to climate forcings, but the response can be slow because the ocean requires time to warm (or cool) in response to the forcing. The response time depends upon the rapidity with which the ocean circulation transmits changes in surface temperature into the deep ocean. If the climate sensitivity is as high as the 3°C mid-range, then a few decades are required for just half of the full climate response to be realized, and at least several centuries for the full response. Such a long climate response time complicates the climate change issue for policy makers.

**You continue to reject this aspect of the "big picture" because you reject anything that is "in conflict" to your cause.

You can laugh at Lord Monckton all you want, but you still have work to do to prove AGW. We stand on our evidence! Go help the others instead of worrying about him. He's done with his homework.

climate change is the serious problem in the developing countries like nepal..so stop it guys.let's make a efforts

Where were you when your High Priest, Al Gore, said that Hurricane Sandy was a result of Global Warming?

"Pretend Lord" Monckton , not being content with being a pretend Nobel Laureate, a pretend scientific adviser to Margaret Thatcher (in fact he advised on council houses) and pretend forensic detective ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br9imjm1kvk) has now helped launch a new political party in Australia , "RiseUp Australia" - founded by Daniel Nalliah , a fundamentalist evangelical church that blames bushfires on gods hatred of abortion. http://riseupaustraliaparty.com/?p=901

Rise Up Australia has an open hatred of Islam (so much for Christian tolerance & charity) ; hatred of climate science and evolution; claims that Australia parliament is under attack by witches; that Buddhist temples are Satan's strongholds ; that god sent a flood to drown hundreds of Queenslanders because a former PM criticised Israel, hatred of multiculturalism but a love of rational thinking :

"I think God created Chinese fried rice, and I love pizza ... but please do not come and tell me that sharia law should be introduced in Australia. You go back to where you came from," Nalliah (born in Sri Lanka) told the cheering crowd at the party launch with Monckton's support

Is "crank magnetism" the natural future of the climate change industry as they realise they are bereft of any scientific support - i.e. to merge with all the other cranks (anti evolution , paranoid that Sharia law will be forced on a country with <2% Muslims, worshippers of a deranged murderous god who goes about killing humans because of a few wrong words , belief that all except his own flock are Satanic)

Is Monckton seriously such a deranged bigot or is he suffering from some affliction - such as Mad Cow Disease? If so , how did he infect the British cattle heard?

The only cranks are the science illiterate, useful idiots, please tax me more, global warming liars.

It's about time we stopped being played for fools and stood up to these climate fascists.