> Is so-called "global warming" causing polar bears to drown?

Is so-called "global warming" causing polar bears to drown?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Bears have been know to swim over 40 miles. That icon of CR's is a lie. Doesn't surprise me. Does it you?

"Longest Polar Bear Swim Recorded―426 Miles Straight"

That sounds like quite a long way to me. Michael who?

I don't think Usrus Maritimus is a misnomer.


Polar bears are EXCELLENT swimmers but they are still LAND animals. No land animal, no matter how well it swims, can swim the hundreds of miles needed to reach the ice pack in summer, and they hunt and feed on the ICE, not in the water, because they are land animals.

Even Michael Phelps has to haul himself out of the water some time. Being a good swimmer does not mean that you can swim indefinitely. A few animals can. Polar bears are not one of them.

BTW, scientific names need not be appropriate. One of the best (or worst) examples is Scalopus aquaticus, a mole. The animal is not at all aquatic. The type specimen was found in a puddle.

A polar bear was found on the north coast of Iceland, only one way it could have got there, Man that is one hell of a swim.

they are really great swimmers but as their homes get more heated up the ice that they rest on when they get tired from swimming so much (up to 5 hours or more, is melted and that can cause them to drown or get eaten by other animals because they are too tired to run away etc

Polar bear and brown bears are actually the same species as they can have viable offspring. Polar bear are outstanding swimmers and amazing hunters. They will have no problem surviving in the future. The worst case scenario is that they move south and mingle with the brown bears. And that is assuming the gloom and doom scenarios of AGW are correct.

Polar bears are also known by their scientific name as 'Ursus maritimus' which means Sea Bear or Maritime Bear. Does this scientific name imply that these bears can't handle being in the water and are poor swimmers? And is so-called "global warming" causing more of these bears to drown because they don't know what to do in the water?