> Is getting true scientists' questions removed just another tool to stifle the truth by the greenies?

Is getting true scientists' questions removed just another tool to stifle the truth by the greenies?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The greenies don't like the fact that everything they portend has been proved a complete lie. The fact that all climate change they blather about is completely normal ruins their goals of being dictators. If they can't convince gullible people that the world is ending, they are shown to be exactly what they really are, mindless idiots. The climate of Earth has been changing since the beginning of this planet. If it had not changed, the atmosphere would be unbreathable. The planet temperature would be in the same temperature range as Venus. We all know how pleasant Venus is.

See my answer here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...

Your decision to pick BA quickly on that one was probably prudent, but a word to the wise: Even reference questions can be vaporized. I got a little too fond of an old long since "resolved" question of Billy's and cited it a number of times. Then one day (this was maybe 6 months ago, and Billy's question maybe a year earlier than that) it was gone. I lost a couple of "reference" ones too some years back.


1. My name here is Hey Dook. We could compare SAT scores, if you ever went to college, but your looking in the mirror every time you address me is frankly silly. A modest proposal would be to agree to both use YA names or non-insulting abbreviations.

2. I have trouble imagining what you mean here by "my article." Perhaps from your vast store of erudition, you could explain this using some alternate terminology.

They do it because people are finally waking up to the scams so they pick questions to take of so people can be kept inline

Yes me too. I had my "why should I be called a denier" question removed

Well you will never know why, but you do rant a lot and maybe it wasn't for the question itself.

You're a "true scientist"? What are your credentials? None

I have had three questions removed today. Is this Y!A's version of the Valentines Day Massacre?

However, I have had six in one day about a year ago. Ho! Hum!

It just shows, "The truth hurts!"