> Is Global Warming a good topic for a presentation?

Is Global Warming a good topic for a presentation?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Now is not a good time for global warming, as doubters are increasing, there has been no warming for the last 16yrs, in fact the last 10yrs have been cooling, the Arctic ice has recovered somewhat and the Antarctic ice is at record levels.

Australia is abandoning its carbon tax, and Germany is giving up wind and solar and is building coal fired power stations.

That could be a good topic 'why is the world not warming' or is global warming boring http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/11/04/le...

Global warming is a common topic and you could only give one side of the subject if you want to pass so I would try something else.

How about a presentation on animals that are becoming extinct due to man's greed.

Combine the two. Actions to prevent global warming will make people go hungry. Ethanol subsidies are questionable as global warming policy, but increase the cost of food. Higher energy prices increase the cost of food, as well as reduce the amount that people have to buy food. If they actually succeeded in lowering global temperatures, then there would be less available cropland and lower crop yields with less CO2.

It is a great topic. All you really need to know is that carbon dioxide traps energy


And that energy can neither be created or destroyed.


Of course, more details are very useful, but the facts I mentioned will be very useful in the critical analysis of any source about global warming.

It's a good general subject, but way too broad. Maybe a presentation on the conspiracy of phony information being spread by people like 'Kano'. Compare their statements and phony sources to objective data like graphs at the link below.

I think so.

I recently answered a somewhat similar question.


I have a upcoming presentation in my college class and I can't decide what a good interesting topic would be. I really don't want to look stupid in front of everyone. Is global warming a cool topic? Wouldn't it seem to common and boring? Which topic should I choose?

"Global Warming" or Walk for Hunger?"

Any other ideas would be great. Anything that consists of "A cause you feel is important" or "A charity."