> If there ever was a full blown food and population crisis...?

If there ever was a full blown food and population crisis...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
To over simplify this, if you have a family that is starving for food due to little available of food, what measures would you take to feed your family? The short answer is, any measures necessary. Multiply that by all of the families in the same situation at the same time.

Easter Island

Viking Greenland

Anasazi (Arizona)

My Triple output solution was implemented to grow 4 times more food per farm per year, but I have a new solution that grows 12 to 15 times more food per farm per year, OH by the way the Triple Output solution was implemented in another country, but its main purpose by me Turned off Global warming last year. So much for food thoughts. Mike

There would be mass starvation and a drop in population. Wars would likely be fought over scarce resources, such as food, and land and water required to grow the food.

History is the best indication of the future.

In Russia, hunger seems to be a main factor in the communist revolution. When people get hungry and they are not used to being hungry, they get angry enough to kill and turn on their leaders. Happy people don't revolt, neither do oppressed people. People who feel they have something taken away from them will revolt.

Ordinary people are capable of becoming violent as war has shown, ordinary civilized people will revert back to savage behavior.

Prices of food would escalate to bring in reduction of demand for food which leads to a reduction in the manufacture of agricultural goods.

So poverty would worsen in the end.

Read up on the Irish potato famine, that really happened and was horrendous, that could give you some real ideas on what could happen.

mass violence between people.people fighting for a piece of biscuit and killing each other.some become cannibals eating humans.children killed women and small girls raped then killed then cannibals eat them.no more reproduction between humans.evry man for himself.only govt and people with great influence and power thrives in secret shelters and others billions die.

Just look at Greece. That is only a money shortage and see what a disaster that is.

It is hsppening already but what if there was a sudden and full blown population crisis, famine, energy crisis; that sort of thing? What kind of scenario would follow? Monopoly or half the humans wiped out kind of thing....

I am writing a short story on the potential horrors.