> If global warming is a hoax, why waste your life here talking about it?

If global warming is a hoax, why waste your life here talking about it?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Probably similar to the creationists who are... really, really angry about evolution. It may be that he subconsciously fears (or possibly even knows) that he is, in fact, wrong, and that makes him mad.

To be fair, I guess you could reverse your question and ask “If global warming is real, why waste your life here talking about it”.

From the perspective of some of the skeptics I don’t believe they think that it is a hoax, more that it’s exaggerated, natural, of little consequence, too expensive to deal with etc.

There are other skeptics who are quite adamant that it is a hoax. This is something that has always baffled me as they never provide any rational explanation as to why they believe this other than the tired old excuse of it being a mean to raise taxation. That being the case, then why do countries such as Saudi Arabia believe it’s real – they only pay a religious tax and global warming is a serious problem for their economy, surely they should be protesting very loudly if it were a hoax, instead they’re building green cities and investing heavily in alternative fuels. But I digress (nothing unusual there).

I think that for many the subject of global warming is more about politics than anything else – just look at the number of references to liberals vs conservatives, Bush vs Obama, Reps vs Dems etc; the science and reality are secondary. If the political arena were turned on it’s head and the conservatives largely accepted GW whilst the liberals were skeptical, then we’d see many of the established skeptics vehemently arguing that GW was real.

I also think that some people have a lot of time on their hands and whiling away a few hours on Answers provides a convenient and pleasurable way to pass a few hours.

It’s also interesting how Americans tend to be fascinated by hoaxes and conspiracy theories a lot more than other nationalities, and they’re also ore likely to be more vocal when expressing their opinions. Maybe this is because the right to free speech is of paramount importance and people wish to exercise that right. Whilst many other countries have free speech, it’s not something that warrants that much attention and people just tend to get on with their lives.

There are those who see global warming as some sort of game with opposing sides, the objective is to win the game. Because they treat it as a game (even if they don’t know they’re doing so) there are basically no rules, they’re in fantasy land so can do whatever they want to help them win. This mindset is reinforced when the internet is the medium of communication, the anonymity means there are no consequences and the user is free to say pretty much whatever they want.

"If global warming is a hoax, why waste your life here talking about it?"

Because if it were a hoax it would cause us to have to make serious and expensive changes for no reason.

Also, intellectually it would be wrong to let a hoax go on. Creationism is a hoax--do you think it is wrong to oppose it?

That said, global warming is clearly NOT a hoax.

(Wow, I see I'm unblocked.)

Well all I can think of in regards to denying GW...stupid is as stupid does.

why not?

Are the Reptilian Hollow Mooners forcing Sagebrush to come here, and telepathically forcing him to hit CTR+C and CTR+P over and over?
