> If consensus science is wrong re manmade global climate change, how can a dozen plus inconsistent other "theories&a

If consensus science is wrong re manmade global climate change, how can a dozen plus inconsistent other "theories&a

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Science operates on the basis of theory, observation and experiment.

Currently, what skeptics have is 'observation'. These are things like 'there's a pause in global surface temperatures' or 'it was warmer in the past'. This is not a scientific theory - it's what we'd call 'being able to read'.

Science requires a model or theory for those observations and proposals for experiments that would test or falsify those observations/theories. Skeptics have not been able to provide those.

For example, if you believe there is a 'pause' then you must explain why that pause is happening, why it didn't happen before now, and why ocean temperatures continue to rise. Why doesn't mean a full explanation, but a theory. 'Natural variability' isn't a theory either since changes in conditions have a cause that can be identified and measured.

We've waited 100 years since the initial idea of AGW, and 30 years since it became mainstream science, for someone, somewhere, to produce a detailed model of climate that doesn't warm when our greenhouse gas emissions are added to the mix of variables. We've waited 30 years for an explanation of why, over the past 100 years, temperatures have risen and why CO2 has risen. If you believe the skeptics that 'temperatures haven't risen in 20 years' (it was 17 years, according to the same skeptics last year) then that really means 'we haven't produced a theory in the past 20 years explaining why warming has stopped'.

So the answer is ... they can't be true because no 'theory' in any recognisable scientific form has been offered.

So 1 it is not consensus science


2. during the speech given on the very first earth day scientists warned us about how the earth was cooling, all caused by the exact same things that are supposedly causing the warming this time around. The predictions were dire, we would be sent into a new ice age if we could not warm the planet back up. and then people like you argued that it was settled science. the nature of science is that nothing is ever truly settled. ti can be accepted, but it is never settled.

If anything is wrong then it can't be true. That includes everything, not just science and climate. So your words are just nonsensical at the most basic level of language.

Anyone who still thinks AGW isn't man made is a total moron