> How would the desert ecoregion in British Columbia change in the future if currect climate trends continue?

How would the desert ecoregion in British Columbia change in the future if currect climate trends continue?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well there is very little change in climate, temperatures have not risen in the last 15yrs and recent winters have been much more severe.

However more CO2 is causing more vegetation to grow, and deserts to recede, check out this article


Global warming will increase vegetation growth in Canada just as it is elsewhere.

The answer is yes, it will change in some way and no matter which way it changes that is going to be classified as being caused by CO2.

kano...you are passing along a lie "temperatures have not risen in the last 15yrs" you have been called on this lie by me 3 or more times and pointed to a MET link where this lie was debunked each time

SO if you keep passing on a lie then you know what that makes you Not knowing what you are talking about is one thing but deliberately lying is another and I believe is a violation of community guidelines Get your "S" together

Even Phil Jones,,,one of the links you presented said there was no statistically significant warming but even so, the warming for those years was an average 0.2C yearly warming

This has been explained to you multiple times as well

tricky problem check out at google or bing this can help

Hi, I'm working on a school project and I want to know how the desert ecoregion in BC will change on the map of canada if currect climate trends continue. I have to describe and draw a map but am unable to find any info. Any help is appreciated thanks.