> How to take thermometers away from people?

How to take thermometers away from people?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, this is a crises. We must conform to the masters. Only they can tell us how hot it is. Why I even have a lying thermometer. I live five miles from a major airport, which is the real truth. Sometimes my thermometer has as much as a 5 degree difference.

Then we have those crooked thermometer manufacturers who conspire to mislead the public. All their thermometers suspiciously read low. They have not been certified by Jimmy the commy Hansen's thermometer. 2013 was the warmest year on record, no matter what your thermometer read. And that wasn't snow in Cheyenne last summer, it was Mrs. Carpsmeuller shaking out her featherbed. She does that every year about this time.

It is warming! Repeat after me, it is warming, no matter what that crooked thermometer of yours says.

Now as the solution. Instead of our government taking guns away, why don't we use the same people to take thermometers away. This makes more sense because it is much safer. Would you feel safer taking a gun away from an NRA member or a thermometer way from some person who doesn't know if it is hot or cold out there. Ha! Ha! They are so dumb they have to have a little gadget tell them whether is hot or cold out there.

Makes perfectly good sense to me.

Don't you just love the brilliance of deniers? Biff makes an argument from an unrealistic and delusional view of what scientists think, and Shanae rails against it in her answer. The question is whether Shanae was playing along with the gag, or really dumb enough to be taken in by the fake question. The question is so transparently stupid and political that it's hard to believe anyone would be fooled by it, but you should never overestimate the intelligence of deniers.

As a real scientist, I can say that we greatly appreciate the effort put forth by laymen in climate science. Many of the longest standard climate records come from unpaid volunteers. As far as we're concerned, the more thermometers the better, although in climate what's really important is long, consistently kept records.

In recent years there has been an explosion of privately kept meteorological data, and scientists have been working to incorporate that into the models through such effforts as MADIS https://madis-data.noaa.gov/

As with all meteorological data, quality control is important, but with advances made in the field of data assimilation that has become easier.

Let me get this straight:

1. Actual temperatures don't support the global warming story.

2. Real people with thermometers have been keeping records proving no average rise for the last 17 years.

3. The data disagrees with the models, so you want people to stop collecting data.

4. To keep people from collecting data, you want to take away all thermometers.


I think I'm beginning to understand you warming alarmists better.

This has nothing to do with climate, does it?

It's really about your obsession with controlling other people's lives.

Right - no one should be able to control the message without first having government approval. We see how well this idea worked in Europe in the 1920-1945 and the same thing could happen here again if onl we reduce the number of freedoms individuals have.y

Wow, with arguements like that i cant belive you nuts arent winning the climate debate. Yea call obama and tell his nazi *** to ban thermometers idiot, and then hang yourself.

Hope this helped

Unqualified laypeople are using thermometers to measure temperatures, and making their own amateur climate records.

Ordinary people are not qualified climate researchers. They should not be using thermometers, and they certainly should not be keeping daily records.

This can undermine the important work of reducing carbon and stopping global warming, by disagreeing with officially-sanctioned computer models.

We need to move ahead into the future, without the work of climate science being hampered by every Jack, Joe, and Billy Bob who wants to take his own temperature readings out on some farm somewhere.

How can thermometers be removed from the public?

Can Obama make a law to have them taken away, so that these amateurs will stop producing flawed temperature data?