> How many climate science textbooks has RIchard Lindzen published?

How many climate science textbooks has RIchard Lindzen published?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Of put another way, if someone put his writings on climate together in one volume, how riddled with contradictions would they be, or there enough weasel words already embedded?

Typical, anti-scientific warmist blather.

The presumption that publication, and particularly that of textbooks, is a necessary condition for qualification to speak on any subject is an unsupportable hypothesis, and an ad hominem.

The assertion that there are contradictions in his works is unsupported; it is, therefor, an appeal to assertion.

Isn't there at least one of you warmists that can argue your case without resorting to bad logic, rhetorical tricks, and ad hominem attacks?

Why do you fail to realize that such rhetoric impeaches your authority with every person 'still afflicted by the malady of thought'?

Or, could it be, that you know that; but, your target audience is comprised of those not so afflicted?

Are you able to ask your own questions, or did you cheat your way through school by copying incessantly from others? Read the rules of the site. This is not some chat forum for anti-science nitwits, or for anyone else. It is a place to ASK and ANSWER questions not to practice copy and paste.

Great question. I wonder how you got that? This question is a great question because it highlights the utter lunacy of the typical greenie. Although the Dork is an extreme in the lunacy field he does bring some prospective into the sick minds of greenies world wide.

From the question we can gather that the greenies put a lot of stock in someone writing a book. It matters not that the book has anything of intellectual value. Just the mere fact someone who is on their side can compile enough thoughts to fill a book is amazing to them.

Take the case of one of AGW's staunchest supporters, Paul Ehrlich. He wrote a book 'The Population Bomb' and he did get the book right in the last word of his title. All his horrific predictions BOMBED! But to this day he is a hero among the greenies. It matters not that he is a certified butterfly expert and is pontificating on climate and environment, a subject way out of his expertise, as long as he writes a book that is sufficient for the greenies to lap up every word he says as though he were the Guru of all times.

Dork, in fact, is obviously compiling a book of his stupid questions. It probably will be called 'Stupid Climate Questions to Convince Dummies'. It will have an introduction by Al Gore. It will be dedicated to either Clarabell the Clown or Climate Realist. He wanted Smokey the Bear but since Smokey changed is name to just Smokey Bear he can't find him in the phone book anymore.

Dork has this variation of Goebbels' rule, "If you ask enough foolish questions, the masses of the people will just know you are stupid!"

How intrigueing. One can but wonder why ?

Is this what means troll?

These popped up in Amazon.

I do not know if it is a compete list.






Of put another way, if someone put his writings on climate together in one volume, how riddled with contradictions would they be, or there enough weasel words already embedded?