Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Question 1 the answer they want is A

Question 2 the answer they want is C but it is wrong it should be water vapour, CO2 and CH4

Question 3 A this question is weird though as they mention nutrition twice.

What is the currently accepted scientific explanation for anthropogenic global climate change?

Answer: There is no SCIENTIFIC explanation. There are many explanations and theories but nothing scientifically conclusive. But if you want a good grade answer ACA. Your instructor is just doing what he is told to do without any real scientific background. If you want to advance in education you will have to lie. Isn't that a shame?

Kano is exactly right,

A C A,

He is also right about question 2. While nitrous oxide is a greenhouse gas and is increasing, it is only around 300 ppb, or parts per billion and makes up about 0.00003% (300/1 billion) of the atmopshere.

CO2 is around 400 ppm, or part per million and thus makes up about 0.04% (4/1,000,000) of the atmosphere.

Methane is around 1600 ppb, and makes up around 0.00016% of the atmosphere.

Water vapor, however, makes up around 1-4% of the atmosphere.

And don't worry about Gary F. When he wakes up, every side of the bed is the wrong side.

Look up the definition of 'anthropogenic'.

What is the currently accepted scientific explanation for anthropogenic global climate change?

A.Human activities raise greenhouse gas levels and strengthen the greenhouse effect.

B. Heat escapes from engines, forest fires, machinery, power plants, etc.

C. Ozone hole lets in too much sunlight, warming the earth.

Which option lists three important greenhouse gases?

A. nitrogen gas (N2), oxygen gas (O2), and carbon dioxide (CO2)

B. O3 (ozone), CFCs, and SO2 (sulfur dioxide)

C. carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)

What was the main factor that led to rapidly increasing population growth rates in many nations, and of the world as a whole, starting around 1800?

A. Decreased death rates because of improved public health and nutrition

B. Decreased death rates because of reductions in war and violence

C.Increased immigration because of world travel by railroad and steamship

D. Increased birth rates because of better nutrition