> Global warming wat da problm is?

Global warming wat da problm is?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Wut is global warning? I like it wens it hot. If it a real problem just move it to the north pole with dem cold *** pengwins? Like dam how stupit are scintests???? like foreal

Moby troll - An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll...


You are not very good at it Diandree.


I don't know if you intentionally tried to phrase that question like an idiot or if that's just who you are but I get the feeling you really don't care about getting an answer to this question but you just wanted to sound cool so I'm not going to rant on about your grammar mistakes because you probably wont read them anyway. Like foreal

Bebub cause dat b dis, and dis b dat. ex: dat/dis=dis/dat= dat x dat= dis x dis=1, or a square dat=dis squared.


You remind me of these two:

some islands will diesappear

Your question and grammar speak for themselves (you will be welcomed by your fellow deniers) (or is that denier)

This is a very comprehensive look at AGW

Wut is global warning? I like it wens it hot. If it a real problem just move it to the north pole with dem cold *** pengwins? Like dam how stupit are scintests???? like foreal