> For how many years do you think we can say that there has been no global warming?

For how many years do you think we can say that there has been no global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Alph and Climate Realist have it.


Not only is 2014 expected to be the warmest yet, but just recently it's been discovered that the southern oceans are warming much more than had been realized. Even if the atmospheric temps don't show warming, if the southern oceans are warming, the energy absorbed by that amount of water will dwarf any atmospheric cooling that might be noticed.

SO, not only hasn't there been cooling lately, with the energy that the oceans are retaining, it's likely that there has not been even one year in the last century in which there has been cooling. We've just not been able to measure it.

Humans have not been keeping records long enough to know if the climate changes are significant. Most of the 'global warming' during the last 150 years occurred before 1950.

It depends upon what axe you have to grind. All I know is that I have been flying across Africa for the past 35 years and I have seen the snows of Kilimanjaro, which used to cover almost one-third of the mountain, retreat to a small cap; and I have seen Lake Chad shrink from a beautiful expanse of shimmering water to a muddy puddle. SO, regardless of whatever cherry-picked statistics people come up with, there is no doubt in my mind that SOMETHING is going on - and it is not likely to be good.

Air temps have stopped rising. Their still hotter than they should be. Meanwhile the temps of the ocean surface have been rising instead. I know no one here will believe me but im just goin by what the thermometer says.

“Near-zero and even negative trends are common for intervals of a decade or less in the simulations, due to the model’s internal climate variability. The simulations rule out (at the 95% level) zero trends for intervals of 15 yr or more, suggesting that an observed absence of warming of this duration is needed to create a discrepancy with the expected present-day warming rate.” http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/b...

So instead of your question, according the NOAA clear definition, has there been a discrepancy between climate model predictions and temperature data?

It died in 1998 and it wont stay down

It depends on what you think global warming is.

If you think of it as global average surface temperature anomalies then you could look at this chart and make your own mind up:

a lot of guesses out there

Scientists agree that global warming since at least the 1950s has been the result of human activities. The technical term for global warming caused by human activities is anthropogenic global warming or anthropogenic climate change.

For over 18 years according to RSS Satellite data. And we never had much warming to begin with. The small amount of warming we experienced was well within the margin of natural variability.

There are a lot of figures going around; 25 or 26 years is quite common, while one person claimed 140! 18 years seems to be the most popular, sometimes 18 years and 1 month; an incredibly precise claim in my opinion.

But what about you? If you think the question can be answered, what would your answer be and on what evidence do you base it on?

For how many years do you think we can say there has been no global warming?

Never underestimate the ability of humans to deny the obvious. Even when Washington DC becomes a seacoast resort, there will be those denying that "Human Global Warming" is the cause.

Based on this link

542 million years.


It depends on how you define GW.

Define Global Warming.


0.87 degrees in 353 years is that Global Warming?

2014 is likely to be a record breaking year. so much for the 'pause'

there is no conspiracy in the scientific community

but there is in the conservative movement

I would say, zero years.
