> Even if the politicians pretend to care about climate change?

Even if the politicians pretend to care about climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
isn't it all too late already?

Probably. In terms of stabilizing CO2 levels, each person on earth can only make about 1 ton of CO2/year, and the average in the developed world is close to 20. Fixing that in a couple of decades, while maintaining first world living standards and allowing growth in the developing world, is impossible even under the best of political and international conditions.

IOW, we are going to find out exactly what effect 500-600 and higher ppm CO2 levels have. It's a big experiment, and unfortunately we can't just wash out the test tubes and start over.


Of course they care, they want to be re-elected and stay in power, and will say and do anything that keeps them there, whether it's true or not.

How do you get politicians from different parties different states different countries to work together, impossible (self interest rules).

However do not worry CO2 climate change is just not happening.

Unfortunately many politicians are not even pretending to care. If they actually care, they could take steps to limit our carbon emissions such as a carbon tax, cutting subsidies to fossil fuel producers, and encouraging sustainable energy resources. That may or may not make much of a difference, but it's certainly better than considering it too late and not even trying.

Possibly. And if it is too late, then any further attempt at climate policy would clearly not be about affecting the climate, would it?

Alternately, if climate policy never was about climate then it's never too late.

Politician? Care? Don't make me laugh. If they were caring they couldn't be elected.

isn't it all too late already?