> Economic impact question?

Economic impact question?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Economic impact for habitat loss in the arctic (for polar bears)

It would be a loss to the inuit who hunt the occasional bear but the resulting surplus in seals should counter that. The rest of our economy is quite separated from polar bears so it's mostly a loss of biologic diversity in our ecosystem which makes our ecosystem more fragile. Note, it's our ecosystem that keeps us alive, we may just have to work harder to prevent messing it up.

The idea that just because polar bears are doing fine now, doesn't mean that they aren't in Danger. On August 5, 1945, the people of Hiroshima were doing fine.


But the truth is that polar bears are basically "canaries in a coal mine." What is bad for them is bad for us.

It's not happening, Polar bears are doing fine, but if it was it would mean an increase in seals and a possible reduction in fish stocks.

Read this interesting article:

Scientist confesses he made up polar bear population estimates

Thomas Lifson

The greatest scientific fraud in history is slowly but surely unraveling, and the breadth of the corruption revealed is stunning. As any good con man knows, and emotional appeal is necessary, and the warmists found their cuddly-looking icon of endangerment in the polar bear, an animal frequently chosen as stuffed toys for children to hug. Pictures of polar bears on ice floes, presumably doomed to death by drowning as the Arctic ice disappeared, were used to tug on the heartstrings of adults and children alike, in order to scare them into willingly handing over power over their economic destiny to global mandarins who would reduce their standard of living.

But it was necessary to come up with “scientific” estimates of polar bear populations that showed them in danger. With all the billions of dollars available for global warming-related research, and the elevel of peer pressure that money generates, it wasn’t that difficult...



the polar bears will be fine

None. The Polar Bears will be fine.

Economic impact for habitat loss in the arctic (for polar bears)