> Do you think the four seasons are a result "climate change"?

Do you think the four seasons are a result "climate change"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Good question, I think the Warmists in this thread are missing your point.

Indeed if CO2 is the main driver of climate --- well, CO2 in the atmosphere actually INCREASES in winter --- yet it's cold. It sure is obvious that CO2 is not the driver of temperature or climate like climate cultists want you to believe.


Depends on where you are. If you're on the equator there aren't four seasons.

Not a real question.

However, deniers are dishonest enough/dumb enough to argue that winter disproves global warming.

No. The earth had four seasons long before Al Gore.

Here in Connecticut it will be -9 degF tonight. I want to know when is global warming going to kick in.

No click the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Season

No they are because of the axis tilt of our planet.

No, but I can see how you would think that. Americans are stupid