> Do you think deniers and pretend climate scientist bloggers should be fired for spreading lies and deception about scien

Do you think deniers and pretend climate scientist bloggers should be fired for spreading lies and deception about scien

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well yeah.

But, of course, then there'd be no-one working at fauxlies.

Forbes would be down a few.

Breitbart (and Watt) would .... oh never mind. He'd need to fire himself.

No ... everyone is entitled to their opinion and has the freedom to express those views. We just need to hope that through education people can distinguish between 'entertainment' and 'fact' on the Internet (although looking at something like Fox News in America isn't that encouraging).


Unless they work for the Heritage Foundation, and other denialist sites where they are paid to lie.

Who are the REAL scammers? Al Gore should be in jail right now.

A lot of these bloggers just work for themselves. And the rest of them were hired to lie.

I think it's prohibited, to prohibit.

fired, fined and jailed

They have the freedom to look stupid

what is a denier?