> Can some one explain this to me?

Can some one explain this to me?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The consensus theory agrees that CO2 changes are too small to cause a problem directly. The CO2 changes need to cause H2O changes that are big enough.

Issues with the theory include:

? Temperature changes before CO2.

? Temperatures have been flat for 17 years when man-made CO2 emissions are the highest in the last 4.5 billion years or more.

I don't think the theory makes complete sense. So, no, I cannot explain it.

Some1: "CO2 is by far more evident in the atmosphere than is CH4 or water vapor."

I think I can see why your answers seldom make sense now.

WOW! It's like a sauna in here! 98% water vapor? Really? I don't think so. - http://www.space.com/17683-earth-atmosph...

When it comes to greenhouse gases you need to look at the efficiency of the gas to behave as a greenhouse gas. CO2 is less efficient as a greenhouse gas than is methane (CH4). CH4 is less efficient as a greenhouse gas than is water vapor. So why the all the fuss over CO2 then? CO2 is by far more evident in the atmosphere than is CH4 or water vapor. Global CO2 levels are climbing at a rate faster than mankind has ever witnessed before. With the rising CO2 levels we are also seeing rising global temperatures. A warmer atmosphere is capable of holding more water vapor that adds to the rate of global warming. As the planet warms then the methane that is trapped in the permafrost begins to enter the atmosphere as the permafrost melts. As the methane adds to the warming then the atmosphere is capable of holding even more water vapor. As plants and animals begin to die then they release their stored carbon and add more CO2 into the atmosphere. This continues to warm the planet and the atmosphere becomes capable of holding even more water vapor. ...... Well, when it is all said and done, perhaps our atmosphere will be 98% water vapor. We will never know it if it ever does get that high. ... Yes, what I just described is run away global warming. Once the CH4 starts entering the atmosphere at higher rate then there is no putting a cork on it. The process will continue on its own. No batteries required, one might say.

WTD mananan

there is no global warming

We have increased carbon dioxide by 30% due to our activities. However, co2 only makes up about 1% of total greenhouse gases, with water vapor making up more than 98%. So, we have only increased total greenhouse Gases by .3%. How does that cause warming? Also, does the run away greenhouse effect happen very much at all? We've increased carbon by 30% due to our activities, but carbon has only increased 40% since the industrial revolution. Does this mean te run away affect is minor?