> Can global warming kill everything on the planet?

Can global warming kill everything on the planet?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It would depend on how far it goes, if it were to get as bad as say Venus, then yes, but that is not too likely.

No GW happens every 100,000yrs for 10,000yrs. Notice how much smaller it is. Larger or slow reproducing animals tend to become extinct during GW but not every thing. When was the last time you saw snow every where all to time..... So I'm guessing GC hasn't happened for some time so we have in fact been in GW for a real long time maybe about 11000yrs... oh that doesn't seem right does it? Guess I wonder why everyo9ne is carrying on about GW when we should have been in GC for the last 1000yrs...mmm.

Edit: GW and GC is not Climate change. Climate change is the global warming-cooling cycle. Notice how they changed GW to CC and people think it's the same thing so they are not lying when they CC but to say GW would be incorrect. This happened after ice core data got drilled out and the scientists there realised we weren't in GW. But GW brings in money to the government so that is why they now use CC instead of GW. So no not everything dies.

Not likely, the Earth has been through five major extinction events, some of which such as the Permian extinction where 95% of species were affected are thought to be related to global warming but we're still here. Even if a single bacteria survives, there will be life on Earth.

Can global warming kill everything on the planet?

Maybe not everything ,but human beings,of course. We can only live in small temperature gradient.

Eventually, the planet will burn up, in 5 billion years.

That's not what we're talking about.

It was only a 10 degree decline in temperature that caused the ice age.

A 10 degree increase in temperature would be disastrous.

It would change where various plants would grow.

It would expand deserts dramatically.

It would bring the dust bowl back to the US, effectively permanently.

It would cause several feet of ocean level rise.

No, it's not going to kill everything on the planet.

It will make it harder for you to get your food.

And if you can't eat, it really doesn't make much difference to you whether everything else on the planet does or not. You will.

The current global warming trend will NOT kill everything. It will simply lead to changes (better for some species, worse for others).

Not at all.

In fact, lets talk about what the warmers are asking you to believe. In a day the temperature will change by 20 or more degrees celsius. In a year, 60 degrees. The models of which more than 95% are overestimating, have the median change in temp in 2100 at around 3 degrees.

Crops are not going to die, the wolrd is not going to end and we wil be able to feed ourselves.

In fact, for the purpose of feeding ourselves, warming is a good thing. The warmers use tree ring data to estimate the past temperatures. How they do this is that they assume warmer temperatures lead to more tree growth. Further, CO2 fertilization is something that greenhouses do to increase crop production.

In fact , the crop production of the world has been increasing FASTER than population. The reason food costs are rising in the US is due to the nearly 40% of corn that goes to ethanol due to the ethanol mandate the warmers wanted. Thats a lot of good soil being used to not so good affect. Now granted, most if not all of the latest increase in crop production has more to do with technology than climate, does it make sense to claim crop failures given the data?

That being said, we do know that warming will cause other problems like increasing the sea level. We should work to reduce our CO2 emissions, but have absolutley no reason to panic.

Note the best way to deal with CO2 emissions is by investing in getting lower emissions source of energy NOT by carbon taxes. Using a carbon tax, we only increase the cost of coal and oil for oursleves. We use less, thus reducing demand for the world, thus decreasing their cost. The effect of such a strategy is so miminal as to be laughable.

Having cheaper clean energy, however... Well that is a winning strategy. Solar has been decreasing in costs consistently and will soon be competitive with coal. Simple strategies and change to regulation would make nuclear power less costly than coal.

So imagine you are living in an impoverished nation. You have a choice between the more expensive cleaner energy OR the less expensive "dirty" energy, and you have people dying, you still have to pay for water treatment plants and other forms of life-saving infrastructure, what do you choose? Now what do you choose if they are the same cost?

I am called a "denier" here frequently. I deny nothing. Fact is that AGW is being exaggerated to the point that many in the public think it will cause the end of humanity. That is MUCH MORE of a misrepresentation of what we know then to claim no warming at all. Furhter, panicked decision are frequently stupid decisions. What stupid decisions? How about an ethanol mandate that does nto reduce CO2 emissions, but does raise both the cost of food and the cost of gas? How about the World bank not giving loans to third world coutnries to build coal power plants? I tend to think millions dying because of lack of power is a more pressing concern.

We do need to act, but we don't need to act in a stupid and panicked manner.

Not from CO2 emissions it cant, CO2 has been as much as ten times higher than today in the historical past and no extreme warming happened.

Our planets climate is ruled by water vapour, 70% of all GHG are water vapour, while it is true that temperature dropped 10C during the ice age, that was because Earths water vapour was locked away in the ice, a 10C temperature rise from here is not possible, as water vapour will increase and drive the great temperature controlling mechanism that is evaporation, condesation, cloud formation and convection.

No, because before that happens God will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth." Revelation 11:18

Not from **man-made** Global Warming, because there isn't any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 years.

Not likely. As parts of Earth become to hot for humans, other parts will become temperate. But most of the land in the Arctic has soil that is too nutrient poor and too acidic to grow any crop other than methane, The number of people that Earth could support may shrink but won't go to zero.

Everything but the roaches.

In the long run anything is possible. Consider Venus. But life on earth has survived higher levels of greenhouse gases than would exist if we burn up all the fossil fuels we can realistically extract. Our post industrial revolution global economy has not seen anything remotely like the climate we are going to experience if we do that (as we are now on course to do, thanks in part to willfully ignorant liars about the solid science of global climate).

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes.

Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”








everything? no, but it's going to make it difficult for human civilization..

nope not cockroaches