> Are Global Warmers trying to convert little children?

Are Global Warmers trying to convert little children?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Little children are the only ones they can convince. They have targeted kids from the beginning and it is despicable. The man-made Global Warming debate is POLITICAL and has no place in the classroom. But LEFTIST will stoop to anything to drive their agenda forward. They have no shame.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I think the "global warmer" Kano of "warming = better" is not trying to convert children to any madness and hysteria...

The best way to overcome madness and hysteria are best combated through education. For example once you understand that there is no Allah (or any other gods) you are unlikely to start a holy war and fly planes into a building.

Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012. All 4 seasons are back to normal all over earth. Mike

Take a close look at who is really trying to twist the education of children.

Ignoring your ignorance and lies about homework assignments - I guess you also oppose homework on gravity, electricity, and the fact that the earth orbits the sun.

Just because you have chosen a lifestyle based on stupidity does not make it right that we should raise a generation of stupid kids.


kano --

>>When I was in school (a very long time ago) we were taught both sides of any controversial subject, and encouraged to question and even disagree, in fact they were trying to teach us to think.<<

What controversial scientific theories were you taught both sides of?

The Socialist Warmers Conspiracy started with math, and there are even indications that they may instigate teaching reading and writing as well. Only by asking questions on Yahoo Answers can this madness and hysteria be stopped.

When I was in school (a very long time ago) we were taught both sides of any controversial subject, and encouraged to question and even disagree, in fact they were trying to teach us to think.

I don't think that happens any more, it seems that schools want their students to swallow what they are told and not to think about it. Shame

Gary F. Evolution and Plate tectonics, The Big Bang theory which were quite controversial back then and many others which slip my mind

Better warn the Flat Earth Society. Because they also plan to start telling our kids that Earth is round. At the rate things are going, our kids will soon be taught that Earth goes around the Sun.

Gee it's called education, you should get some yourself so you aren't in the dark anymore

Its the new state religon

Students -- even little children -- are getting homework assignments on Global Warming. Lots of kids are getting Global Warming H.W. every week. On average, every 5 days. Are Global Warmers trying to convert little children to this madness and hysteria?

It is called education.

SO you denialist are against education as well, is there anything you're not against?

are you a...troll?