> 5 things that put CO2 in the atmosphere?

5 things that put CO2 in the atmosphere?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Depending how you want to list them, there are different answers.


1) Biomass Respiration – 47.0%*

2) Oceans – 29.0%*

3) Burning fossil fuels to generate power – 4.6%

4) Deforestation – 3.4%

5) Fuel used for transportation – 2.4%

* There is a two way flow between the oceans and biomass (plants, soil etc) so whilst they’re the biggest emitters of CO2 they’re also the largest absorbers, absorbing slightly more than they produce.


1) Burning fossil fuels to generate power – 32.2%

2) Deforestation – 23.8%*

3) Fuel used for transportation – 17.5%

4) Manufacturing and industrial processes – 6.5%

5) Chemicals and the Chemical Industry – 5.8%

*Deforestation is the second largest contributor to CO2 in the atmosphere. Not so much because it puts CO2 into the atmosphere but because cutting down the trees prevents CO2 being removed from the atmosphere. If you want to exclude this then the top 5 are:

1) Burning fossil fuels to generate power – 32.2%

2) Fuel used for transportation – 17.5%

3) Manufacturing and industrial processes – 6.5%

4) Chemicals and the Chemical Industry – 5.8%

5) Cement Production – 4.9%

EDIT: Thanks Graphic Conception, I’ve now changed my answer from photosynthesis to respiration, well spotted.

To get the figures I used two primary sources – the natural carbon fluxes [1] and emissions data [2]. To the total natural fluxes I added the 33.5Gt anthropogenic component to give total annual CO2 emissions of 243.7Gt. Figures from emissions data are percentages of the total greenhouse gas emissions, of which CO2 makes up 77% of total CO2 equivalence (CO2e).

For example, transportation accounts for 13.5% of CO2e, CO2 is 77% of CO2 therefore transportation is 17.5% of CO2 (the anthropogenic only component). 17.5% of 33.5Gt is 5.9Gt, 5.9Gt is 2.4% of 243.7Gt (the natural + anthrop component).

[1] http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/pix/research/cl...


A good answer from Trevor (assuming the figures are correct - and I have no reason to think otherwise).

But a small typo. He meant "respiration" when he said "photosynthesis". Photosynthesis is done by plants during the day when they take in CO2 and water and convert it to sugar and oxygen.

Respiration they do all the time when they convert the sugar and some of the oxygen into energy. This process gives off CO2 (but much less CO2 then they take in). They also give us any leftover oxygen back.

Which leaves us with a question about how to represent plants because although they put a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere they are actually net consumers so take in more than they return.

Cars (or any type of vehivhle that uses gas)

Heating sytem/Air conditioner

Animal Life


Dying plants

Many things contribute to the amount of carbon dioxide release in the air. I have some of the links listed below. Hope this helped!

In no particular order:

Auto manufacturing.....both gas and electric

Manufacture and operation of windfarms (as wind farms increase, so does the need for back-up....usually coal/gas-fired power plants.

Climate conferences.....Climate scientists and others who make their living from "global warming".....thousands of them....take jets and limos to air-conditioned luxury resorts to discuss how WE....NOT THEY.....should be more responsible in our use of fossil fuel.

Production of corn ethanol.....once you figure in the costs from beginning to end....regular gas is more environmentally friendly and less toxic to humans.

Air Force One.....our number one government employee....Obama....has been spouting off about taking action to curb "global warming" also known as "climate change". IF he actually believes in AGW, then he needs to keep his butt at home and leave his CO2-spewing jets, helicopters...etc. on the ground.


Burning coal

Electricity power plants

Production of chemicals

Production of Iron

1) breathing by humans and animals (humans and animals exhale CO2)

2) decaying vegetation

3) volcanic eruptions

4) out gassing by the oceans (by far the biggest source)

5) breakdown of methane by sunlight which becomes CO2.

About 97% of CO2 in the air is from natural sources, humans only contribute about 3% of the total. http://www.l4patterns.com/CO2_Properties...

But don't worry about it because CO2 does not drive warming, the Sun does.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Burning. Of coal

Partial combustion

Dying of plant


Burning of cabbage

Cow burps