> Wow is this a major attack on global warming?

Wow is this a major attack on global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
r what?


Impressive attached PDF file nice information in it. Global warming is changing the world weather rapidly for example hot place turning to cold and cold to hot

With statements like this "Several news items mentioned that these were the worst floods in 500 years. This means that similar floods occurred in about 1500 AD." it is pretty apparent that this guy does not really understand what he is talking about. It does not mean any such thing. Drawing such a conclusion is a fallacy. If records began being kept 500 years ago it would still be labelled as 'The worst floods in 500 years' as that is when records began being kept. This is what is usually meant when people state something like this. Regardless, what he is doing is pointing to specific instances reported by the media and coming back with specific instances reported in history. It is the 'trend' that matters. He is attempting to argue with people that are not even talking about trends.

The report is also fraught with cherry picked/out of context quotes. In the report he states the IPCC is in denial of various aspects of solar variations. No they aren't. They look at all the data. If you or him are claiming that something else is responsible for the increase in tropospheric energies at the associated frequencies let's hear it. It is generally accepted, even by skeptical scientists, that the science is sound it is just the response of the feedbacks that matter.

A page later he is blaming the cooling and warming cycles on the PDO. He then goes on to state it's the sun once again. He fails to mention that his '17 years without warming' are merely surface measurements. In a later paragraph he is complaining that scientists acknowledge the recent slowdown in warming is due to a PDO/La Nina event, which he stated earlier, then argues against it. He talks about Antarctic SEA ICE extent, which is most likely caused by both freshening and ocean oscillations as per the latest peer reviewed articles.

What this person is doing is stating that the planet is heading for a new ice age and disregarding the greenhouse effect. He states pretty much exactly what you and others have stated here time and time again. Exactly the same arguments.

Gotta love the title of the 'paper', not to mention its' conclusion!

Let's hope that those who praise this paper now will remember the paper, let alone their stance on it, when in the future another 'question' about that 70's global cooling scare comes up.

If it were a major attack on global warming, it would not be so full of ad homs.

I think, But, Whatever Happening will Happen without the HUMANS( SCIENTISTS) PREDICTIONS, While They are Fighting the GLOBE with the HUMANS.

Great article. Makes more sense than Al Gore and Jeff M.

Ah yes. Another retired academic on the lecture circuit ...

Of course it is an attack. It is a political attack against science, integrity, and honesty.

or what?
