> Why do people say global cooling would be worse than global warming?

Why do people say global cooling would be worse than global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, we wouldn't be under meters of water. More people die of cold than warmth. So warmer temperatures would be a good thing, with more cropland available as well. The little ice age was not good.

Everyone else had great points, global warming is bad, global cooling would be bad as well, if the earth is cooled it gets colder and drier. But ice and snow also reflect the suns rays and heat, and it could lead to a "snowball earth" sort of thing, but that is on the far end of the spectrum. Global warming could cause the ozone layer to thin and disappear, and that would be REALLY bad.

If the temperature drops sufficiently then you get snow in winter, which you may think is nice, but there is a problem. The snow does not melt in spring. It hangs round all year because of the cold.

So next winter you get more snow on top of last year's snow. This can repeat until you are under a few thousand feet of snow. At which time, going to the shops or even just going next door gets a bit difficult.

From: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles...

"... I obtained for the Northern Hemisphere a minimum depth of 1,700 feet (500 m) and a maximum depth of 2,970 feet (900 m). Using variables for the mid range, I estimated an average depth of 2,300 feet (700 m)."

It is mainly global warming denialists who claim that global cooling would be worse than global warming.

Between the two, global warming would likely be the worst. Both global warming and global cooling could cause some areas to be uninhabitable, but the areas which global cooling would make uninhabitable, like Northern Canada and Siberia are sparsely populated. It would take many thousands of years for the glaciers to even reach places like Edmonton, Canada, assuming they are not stopped by the urban heat island effect. Don't worry about where to grow food; falling sea levels will mean that we could grow crops east of Miami.

On the other hand, global warming would result in millions of people being displaced by rising sea levels. Most of the land which would be warm enough for agriculture in Russia and Canada have poor soil, and would not be good for any crops other than methane, until they have had 10,000 years of millions of bison depositing plant food on them.

A drop in temperature means food crops would not germinate and grow as quickly leading to mass starvation as there are only so many cans of SPAM

If the Earth was 4C cooler that would be enough to trigger another ice age

Life is more lush and dense in warmer climates than on the ice deserts at the poles. Colder earth = drier earth as well.

Just ask those stranded Global Warmists who are stuck down in Antarctica?

Life thrives in the warmth, global cooling would reduce food crop production. with cooling comes dry cold deserts, see these maps http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co...

There is no global cooling That is just another denier ploy

If the earth was 4 C colder it would only mean more snow. I like snow so I don't see the big deal. However if there was a 4 C rise in temperatures ice would melt and Earth would be under meters of water.