> Remember the Global warming nuts said we would have very active Hurricane season what happened?

Remember the Global warming nuts said we would have very active Hurricane season what happened?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just another of a very long list of failed predictions by Warmists agitators.



The answer is...that there is a large dry air mass roughly oval shaped located half way between the Bahamas and Africa, which denies would be tropical depressions, the warm wet air required in order for them to gain strength and develop into a hurricane. This dry air mass is a byproduct of rising global temperatures, and will become more common in the future, as the globe continues to warm up.

Haven't you seen all the non destruction and non misery all along the coasts. It has been a non terrible year so far for non hurricanes. You are just trying to be a denier whereas the realists know that the non hurricanes happened no matter what facts you present. The facts don't fit in to the canon and you are a heretic and will be vilified. True believers know and are secure in their faith.

Here is the NOAA scoreboard ?

Predicted a mild Winter because of last year . (they thought it was global warming causing 2011 ,2012 mild winter ) nope happens once or twice a decade .

Warm 2013 spring . It was cold and turned off heater in middle of April .

Hot 2013 Summer It was mild and only hit 100 once last friday now back to mild .

Your Mileage may vary in the area you are in . My area is the midwest .

Winter prediction ? Unknown maybe they will buy better crystal balls

British Met Office said UK would have to wait 10 years for a decent summer, we've just had a cracker of one.

4 months ago they said we were in for a wet soggy summer, best and warmest for years.


No of course not, they can tell to the nearest 1/0th of a degree what the temperature will be in 500 years time, we mustn't forget this, must we, warmies?

Why should we tremble with goons like these in charge of our future, tragedy is our Prime Minister believes them, oh dear.

1, That prediction is from meteorologists, not climatologists.

2. The hurricane season is isn't over until the 30th of Nov

Sorry to show that you don't know what you're talking about, but seasonal hurricane forecasting is based on techniques pioneered by the GLOBAL WARMING DENIER, William Gray. It's always a mistake for deniers to make arguments based on things they don't know anything about (which is almost everything, really).

Anyway, since hurricane forecasting is so denier-based, pointing to poor forecasts of hurricane numbers is just pointing the finger back at deniers. For example, quoting a forecast from William Gray:

"We anticipate an above-average probability for major hurricanes making landfall along the United States coastline and in the Caribbean"

Again, that's a global warming DENIER making that forecast.


But perhaps that's just an exception, let's use one of pages from YOUR Google link:

"A wild season is on the way, and the "major hit drought" on the US coast should end. In fact, multiple major hits are likely this year with the cold PDO, warm AMO decadal signal favoring the East Coast, as in the 1950s."


That's from WeatherBell Analytics, the company started by the team of all-star denier favorites Joe Bastardi, Joseph D'Aleo and Ryan Maue.

Oops, that IS embarrassing, isn't it? You thought you were pointing out bad forecasts by people that believe in global warming, but YOU WERE REALLY POINTING OUT BAD FORECASTS BY PEOPLE THAT DENY GLOBAL WARMING.

Perhaps you should actually try and research a subject before making ridiculous claims. And by the way, the hurricane season is far from over--even the denier forecasts might be partially vindicated.

I mainly remember anti-science dupes who cannot write a complete sentence in 8th grade level English.

Well the only GW nuts I am aware of are you DA deniers.

Yes indeed scientists did predict POSSIBLE increases in hurricanes but they were wrong. That doesn't change the fact that AGW is upon us and it certainly doesn't change the fact that all you DA deniers put together can't come up with on iota of real climate science to support your lame views.

Global warming didn't pan out this year. How disappointing for them.


Global warming was never about climate change.

"Climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth." - IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer