> Much of the USA was colder than Mars. Is this because Mars has more co2 than Earth?

Much of the USA was colder than Mars. Is this because Mars has more co2 than Earth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I'm thinking many East coasters are considering moving to Mt. Everest to find a warmer place. I would freeze anywhere from Dakotas to the Carolinas. . Not much CO2 on Everest since the air is pretty thin there, not that that is why it is cold. Warmmongers tend to try to correlate CO2 to everything.

It sure shoots the heck out of Al Gore's logic in his great global warming movie. As I remember, when CO2 went up, the temperature followed. When CO2 went down the temperature followed. The chart was very explicit on this. One must also remember that Jimmy Hansen was paid a lot of money in consulting fees for this movie. The same Jimmy Hansen who is now a full time Communist activist.

I get the warm fuzzy feeling that these fellows are not out for mankind's best interests.

So once again, science backs up the true scientists and proves the Greenies wrong again!

Mars has very little CO2. Yes the % is high at 96% compared to 0.04% on Earth but Mars has very little air compared to Earth, so I think Earth has more CO2 than Mars does.

Mars' temperature varies from 103K to 308K with a mean temp of 210K. It's atmosphere is 96% CO2 (which simply means that there is an atmosphere that contains at least 32% CARBON atoms and 64% Oxygen atoms.

Earth's temperature varies also, but our atmosphere is mostly made up of Nitrogen (78%) and is said to have an average surface temperature (mean surface temperature) of 288K . Nitrogen plays a HUGE role against the hypothesized "Global Warming Theory"!

" ... The fact that there was a component of air that does not support combustion ... "


I doubt that the "climate clowns" will ever understand why Nitrogen helps keep our atmosphere stable and that the mere increase of atmospheric CARBON (CARBON's current stake in our atmosphere is 0.0113% - CARBON occupies 0.0113% of our atmosphere versus 32% on Mars or 2800 times less atmospheric CARBON than Mars). CARBON in our own atmosphere is irrelevant and miniscule when it comes to maintaining Earth's average temperature.

" ... As the Earth revolves around the sun, locations on the surface may under go seasonal changes in air temperature because of annual variations in the intensity of net radiation. Variations in net radiation are primarily controlled by changes in the intensity and duration of received solar insolation which are driven by variations in daylength and angle of incidence. ... " - http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/1516...

Temperature anomalies are not reflective of variable solar radiation at specific points and at specific times of the year nor are temperature measurements a direct relation as to atmospheric make-up at the specific time of the measurements!

"Mechanical Temperature Measurements" of the past are also not a direct measurement with specific CO2 measurements nor is any past anomaly an accurate measurement of actual temperature. Modern science is changing, but those changes only complicate past temperature anomalies as to how they are derived. They have to use computer generated climate models to re-create past temperature data which defies common logic in obtaining minute temperature changes. I doubt that they can actually decipher the "what, why, and where" of temperature movements from 100 years ago or even 50 years ago using GCMs.

Hopefully what this now means is that some US citizens will sign up on that one-way trip to Mars ...

No, it's because that shlock website is comparing the absolute warmest temperature of Mars to the coldest temperature of the US.

It's meaningless.

Absolutely not.

Scott probably right. Also I know Mars has a ton of enormous volcanoes, dunno if they're active.
