> Is there anything to stop global warming?

Is there anything to stop global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes there is one absolutely guaranteed way to stop Global Warming. The solution will not be quick, however. If we start acting straightaway we can prevent the 2°C change by the end of the century, even if it overshoots on the way.

Send me a million dollars a year for the next 30 years and I will implement my master plan. If, in the unlikely event that at the end of the century, there has been a greater than 2°C temperature increase you will get your money back. (Subject to conditions.)

Before anyone dismisses this proposal out of hand, compare it with any alternatives you may have heard about.


there are theories but Big Oil keeps spreading lies so the studies needed don't get funding

What global warming??!!

No we have messed up the planet too much, damage is done.

It's too late to stop it. The West Antarctic ice sheet has started to slide into the ocean. It will take about a century to get bad, but we're officially f*cked. All that's left is damage control.

it is to late . we are passed the point of no return . the earth has , at best , 2 more decades , before we turn into venus - 800 degrees F at noon . by 2023 , after 5 years of worldwide crop failures , food will be made from people ( shades of soylent green ) , by the 2030s the seas will boil off into space and humanity turns to dust .

Stop it - nothing yet. The excess CO2 already in the atmosphere will continue adding heat to the planet for centuries and we haven't come up with a practical way of removing it.

Slow it down and decrease the peak effects - yes, and most of the techniques make good economic sense. Increasing energy efficiency through better manufacturing techniques and better building insulation gives the most bang for the buck. Lower carbon energy production is next - natural gas instead of coal for new fossil fuel powerplants, increased production from nuclear (there's still a lot of warheads to recycle), wind and solar.

At this time due to scale of the effort and the vast number of unknown variables and interrelationships between variables?

Given our current state on knowledge and technology, simple answer is there is no dependable or predictable way to achieve what you wish to achieve.

No, there isn't. Global warming was not caused by humans. The earth was getting warmer until the mid 90's it has since leveled off. It's a normal cycle. There are people with a lot of stocks in "clean energy" if it becomes 'OK' to go ahead and keep using "unclean energy", those stocks will drop to almost nothing. Al Gore is often the go-to example of one of these people; he gets paid a LOT to speak at environmentalist conventions. No more global warming = no more money.

ya of course.... use less petrol products , diesels and refrigerator ( cfc's harm full for global warming and acid rains ) use bio fuels...