> Is Lake Michigan so cold now because of global warming?

Is Lake Michigan so cold now because of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Temperatures vary by as much as 130F in many places in the middle hemispheres (north and south). Global Warming is based on averages of averages of millions of temperature readings over time (more like billions) that show a 150 year average temperature increase of 0.7C (1.2F) . Seasons are still going to be the seasons. The U.S. and Canada are currently in a cooler than average Spring after a bitter cold Winter. Australia is unusually warm at this time. Hard to figure those "ebbs and flows" where temperatures stay consistent. They never have.

Environmental zealots would love it, if they could prove that humans are causing catastrophic warming of the Planet by using fossil fuels, but it seems every time they try and show a catastrophe happening, the climate changes (That's where they got the idea for changing it from "Global Warming to "Climate Change". It keeps changing on them.). Human impact is agreed by all science. The degree of influence is in question and nature is showing how small our impact really is. The Planet has been warming since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA). Science tries to predict the future warming with climate models, but they can't replicate the climate so they guess and call it "a climate model simulation result". There are hundreds of millions of these results through climate models. They pick one and call it science.

Global average temperatures have been pretty steady for the past 17 years. http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabled...

The Little Ice Age :

" ... It has been conventionally defined as a period extending from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries,[3][4][5] or alternatively, from about 1350 to about 1850,[6] though climatologists and historians working with local records no longer expect to agree on either the start or end dates of this period, which varied according to local conditions. NASA defines the term as a cold period between AD 1550 and 1850 and notes three particularly cold intervals: one beginning about 1650, another about 1770, and the last in 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming. ... " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ice_...

" ... There have been 78 major temperature swings in the past 4500 years including 2 since 1970. ... "


Climate science is all about "conjecture". (con・jec・ture - [kuhn-jek-cher] Show IPA noun 1. the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof. 2. an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation. 3. Obsolete . the interpretation of signs or omens. verb (used with object), con・jec・tured, con・jec・tur・ing. 4. to conclude or suppose from grounds or evidence insufficient to ensure reliability. verb (used without object), con・jec・tured, con・jec・tur・ing. 5. to form conjectures.)

That's why climate change policy can't be enacted. A global average temperature can not be accurately measured. NASA has clearly stated this.

Also, you can't base "Anthropogenic Global Warming" on a 130 year increase of 0.7C when there is sufficient evidence showing at least 78 global average temperature fluctuations (warming and/or cooling) in the past 4500 years which equal the same value or better and can not be attributed to human causation. 78 major temperature fluctuations in the last 4500 years = 1 major temperature fluctuation every 60 years.

During this past winter Alaska had a record breaking heatwave. The heat pushed arctic air down on N. America giving it record cold temps and a very harsh winter.

Just a day or so ago west Texas had 105 degrees and it's not Summer yet.

For two years in a row Australia has had record high temps.

Global Warming warms everything. Global Warming ended in 2012. Confirmed. It will take a long time for nature to return all seasons back to normal especially since Global Warming lasted for 34 years. Mike

Back to Kindergarten for you. The US is not the world

The lakes are very cold.

The temperature of most of the ocean is stable.

All the extra heat is hiding at the bottom of the ocean.

You obviously have not had enough Kool Aid yet.

Only the scientifically uninformed would be surprised that Lake Michigan's water is still largely cold.

Perhaps. There is a paper by Tim Palmer in Science magazine last month that suggest that very thing:


The temperatures of a lake the size of Lake Michigan are influenced by many factors. For example, during autumn and winter lakes cool. Then in spring and summer, the sun heats the surface layers. But it's possible for winds to move the surface layers around and allow colder water from the depths to the surface. It depends on the temperature gradient of the lake, the direction and strength of winds, and the overall shape of the basin that the lake occupies.

The point is, it's fully possible for air temperatures to increase and for water temperatures to decrease depending on how winds, water currents, and the shape of the terrain and basin all interact together. When you say 'Lake Michigan' what do you mean? Do you mean the entire volume of liquid? Or do you mean the surface temperatures near a particular city which may be different, due to wind direction, than other areas of the lake!

What you seem to want is for science to be really simple. You seem to want science to be able to say 'global warming makes Lake Michigan warmer'. Unfortunately, wanting science to be that simple doesn't actually make science that simple. Fortunately we have scientists who understand the complexities and dangers in drawing simplistic conclusions.

One more time:

1. the US is not the world

2. One year is not climate


I thought we've been told that the great lakes were heating up because of global warming. Lake Superior which is a higher latitude than Lack Michigan was claimed to be 'the world's biggest hot tub' last October. Why are the lakes still so cold? Global warming?