> In 5 years from now, will the planet be warmer or colder?

In 5 years from now, will the planet be warmer or colder?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I have no idea , and the IPCC and NOAA has no clue too.

Since you said planet, I would say colder since the inner core of the earth is solidifying releasing heat to the cooling outer core creating convection currents that distribute heat to the mantle. The mantle in turn creates convection currents from the outer core to the crust providing power to the tectonic plates. Things typically cool (energy moves from higher to lower states) unless heat or other energy is supplied. Although radioactive decay does add some heat, it is still cooling, just not as fast as it would without the radioactive decay. I don't know the exact amounts but I am guessing our miniscule CO2 emissions don't compare in the amount of energy. If you are talking lower troposphere, then that is another topic and I wouldn't be as confident of my prediction.

I will put it this way, if it doesn't warm, alarmists will be so far up Crap Creek, Lewis and Clark wouldn't be able to paddle them back.

Interesting question, we have CO2 climbing, and solar sunspot acitivity declining.

5 years is a bit short, but personally I believe solar is the stronger forcing so I expect the next 10yrs to be cooler.

5 years is too short to make any predictions on the global climate. We do not know what the solar activity will be during that time frame nor do we know which oscillations will be in play, how potent or enduring they will be or which phases others will be in at the same time. This is precisely why we look at the long term trend and not the short term fluctuation. The short term fluctuation creates noise within the long term trend.

Nice try, Dr.Jello. You ask people to look at only the noise in the signal and not at the long term trend.

Just take a look at the data that has accumulated, and you will readily see that the trend is for warming, unfortunately with dire consequences projected, if we don't do something about our own contributions to the causes. Dr.S

it is hard to say but i do believe it might be colder

I believe slightly warmer (very slightly)

please show your work on how you came to your conclusion. If you can't show your work, it's ok if you just say that this is just something you believe, and have faith that it really will happen.