> Human Radiation Contributes Warming?

Human Radiation Contributes Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Heat produced by electronics contributes only an infinitesimal amount of energy to Earth's energy balance. They only use a very small portion of human energy use, which itself is very small compared to the Sun. If fossil fuels are used to produce electricity, they do add carbon dioxide, but the notion that we should shut them all down comes from denialists who are combining a straw man argument to the effect that we supposedly must shut everything down with an attempt to silence realists.

What you should do is walk or bike or take public transit. If you must drive, get the most economical car that will do the job. If you must drive a truck or a large van, get a diesel. If you have a choice of electricity retailers, buy from one who uses wind, or better yet, hydro or nuclear power. Learn all you can about thermodynamics and the spectroscopic properties of atmospheric gases so that you do not have to take Al Gore's word for anything. And then, use your electronic devices to spread the message.

Hi Chef Sounds like your got a brain and using it because your on to it. http://globalmicrowave.org/microwaves.ph... Plenty of things to check-out here. Radio is short for Radiated Electromagnetic Wave. A radio wave has two parts an electrical and a magnetic and rotate at 90 deg around each other. http://missionscience.nasa.gov/ems/02_an... By looking at climate change through the magnetic process you will see what is really going on. The path to follow is ELECTron, ELECTricity and ELECTronics In my opinion Man Made communications and remote sensing is causing atmospheric heating. Look into Ionospheric heaters and then tell me man can't interact with weather patterns. America plans to own the weather by 2025 http://www.federaljack.com/?p=176146 Cheers

Edit Sage so you don't see this as the new reality and for the extreme weather http://www.examiner.com/article/tornadoe...

Yes, recent studies indicate that the waste heat from our civilization is having an impact on warming as well as local climate variations around highly populated areas. Heat from transportation and air conditioning alone account for substantial amounts of energy that are a direct climate forcing that grows each year. However that energy is only associated with land which only comprises 30% of Earths surface and densely populated areas are a fraction of that. However any surface thermometer within miles of a densely populated area can show winter temperatures warmer by as much 1.6 degrees F. because of waste heat in the local environment.

Led by Guang Zhang, a research meteorologist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, the scientists report in the journal Nature Climate Change that the extra heat given off by Northern Hemisphere urban areas causes as much as 1 degree C (1.8 degrees F) of warming in winter. They added that this effect helps explain the disparity between actual observed warming in the last half-century and the amount of warming that computer models have been able to account for.

"…waste heat from our use of energy keeps getting generated, no matter how much our surroundings have warmed. So, with this correction, we now see that waste heat generation (0.33) becomes more like 50% of the remaining radiative imbalance (0.6) from anthropogenic GHG production.

Waste Heat is Mostly Released in the Lowest 10% of the Atmosphere


When the Sun's rays hit the Earth they are absorbed and become thermal heat. Because of the build up of man made greenhouse gases That heat is trapped is trapped in the atmosphere and causes global warming/climate change

Human radiation of heat is not even a smidgen of GW Same with cell phones and laptops

Yes the radio waves do create some heat. Some frequencies more than others. But take your fan and when a hurricane comes turn it on to counter act the hurricane's wind. That is about the same amount of effect the radio waves have.

The type of energy that causes global warming is infrared energy, which is absorbed by greenhouse gases as the energy is leaving the Earth, and emitted back toward the Earth. The devices you mention give off energy in a different part of the spectrum, and it's not absorbed by the greenhouse gases.

Human radiation.

Each human adult (on average) produces about 100W of body heat.

5 billion people = 500GW of heat energy being continuously emitted to the earths atmosphere just by these people being alive.

Same is true for animals (scale vaies by animal) and all other forms of life.

The increase of cell phones, laptops, GPS, and a whole lot of other stuff gives off radiation.

The majory contributor beyond CO2 and other 'gases' is the radiation. Radiation is energy and bounces everywhere. It pierce the zone layers to get to space and space pierce it back, thus ripples the atoms. The unwanted sun rays that the zones block sneak in by the human radiation.

It is like a bouncy ball. When it enters a tiny hole in a ball, the chances of it bouncing back out are very very small. So, it bounces until it runs out of energy. Now, human made radiation creates these unwanted rays that the earth zone don't want.

So, why does earth wram more? Think of it kind of like we are in a huge microwave. Yup. Everthing heats up.