> Hawaii is having a white Christmas, does this make the 'saviors of the earth' feel blue?

Hawaii is having a white Christmas, does this make the 'saviors of the earth' feel blue?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Hawaii is having a white Christmas, does this make the 'saviors of the earth' feel blue? I don't know who these 'saviors of the earth' are, but I don't feel blue.

Nice a ski resort in Hawaii [1] is getting a lot of snow [2]

And I doubt the fact that Hawaii has a ski resort, will make 'the destroyers of the earth' [3] feel blue.

And here in Ireland we're having an uncharacteristically warm winter. Does that make the 'deniers of the warming' feel red?


No. Makes me feel jealous though, what a lovely place to celebrate Christmas.

Just local weather, AGAIN. I am blue though, it would be great to ski and surf on the same day.

You still refuse to understand science, or are you totally incapable?
