> Will the "Fukushima Radiation" spread to England?

Will the "Fukushima Radiation" spread to England?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Part of the Black (or Kiro Shiro) current that goes past Japan, Alaska and down the west Coast by California also goes further north through the Alution Islands, north of Canada and down to the Atlantic somewhere between Canada and Europe. The Gulf Stream will carry that water past England eventually. You won't get any of the radioactive garbage that California is getting and the water will be so diluted by then it won't be very harmful.

I say no man made radiation is good, but it's too late for that. You probably got more from Chernoble than you will from Japan.

Yes, it will.

Will it matter? - No.

It will be detectable by accurate radiometers, but it will not be significantly above the background radiation levels.

You are in far more danger if you sunbathe or use tanning booths on a regular basis.

This does NOT downplay the localized affects on the people living in the region of Fukushima. Not surprisingly, these are also people of lesser means than the Japanese population as a whole.

It also does not downplay the potential effects on the west coast of the US, where some studies show that the radiation impact could be 10 times worse than on Japan.

I was strictly referring to England, as you asked.

The threat to the health of people in Japan was negligible in 2011. Don't be afraid of the radiation reaching the UK. People who tell you that you should fear Fukushima are just trying to frighten people into accepting coal as a means of generating electricity. Global warming, due to greenhouse gases that have tangible effects on temperature are the real threat.


Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


December 26, 2013 Save Kids Japan

Dear citizens of the world, especially those from Asia, please get angry at Prime Minister Abe!

In August 2013, even after 44 Fukushima children found to have thyroid cancer, Prime Minister Abe said, "There have never been and will never be any health hazards caused by Fukushima." (Now 59)

Prime Minister Abe is a person who do not hesitate to lie.

Even after Fukushima accident, Prime Minister Abe, who has been totally ignoring the increased thyroid cancer among Fukushima kids, is trying to restart nuclear power all over Japan where the active seismic era has been underway.

If this regime continues, it will not be a surprise if another Fukushima-like accident took place, which could become a lethal weapon both to Japan and to the world.

Though the Japanese policies are totally nonsense, backed by the mass media and so on, true voices of the conscious citizens' have been totally suppressed.

Citizens of the world, please do raise voices against Prime Minister Abe before it becomes too late.

Please do not let Japan become the perpetrator to the world once again.

I was getting a hair cut last week and old man was warning us about the "radioactive plume" that was heading our way (to Los Angeles). He was worried about everyone getting cancer etc. I don't get how he got to be so old but anyway some people are just paranoid I guess. I personally would worry more about spending an hour too long out in our California sunshine because I don't have much protection from UV rays.

If you ate something seafood in the last 2 years or something grown fruit vegetable or coffee in Americas then yes you already tasted Fukushima radiation delicacy in your mouth. There is some tiny little chance that in your next one two generation offsprings someone might have deformed body parts. Do not worry at least more than 1 billion people already tasted Fukushima in their mouth but that is huge huge secret for all the government freaks-criminals.

Minute particles will eventually spread everywhere. However, they will have already decayed to similar levels as background radiation so won't pose any significant risk.

Still, if the world didn't use that awful stuff to begin with then we'd be a lot safer anyhow.

All the world is contaminated after decades of nuclear testing.

It will be okay, we're not dead yet.

Must go, turning into a zombie.

Will the "Fukushima Radiation" spread to England? Yes.

Don't worry you will not be deformed. And unlike the USS Ronald Reagan Crew your chances of developing cancer is extremely low. [1]

Okay - I've heard about it reaching the West Coast of America (California etc.) and I'm wondering if it'll ever reach the UK (England, Scotland, Whales, Northern Island)

Please tell me because I really don't wanna end up deformed and looking like something off of The Hills Have Eyes.