> Why don't people believe in Global Warming?

Why don't people believe in Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Firstly the debate is not about global warming, it's about man-made Global Warming. Yes the planet has warmed a little but not much. Human activity had nothing to do with it.

Now, you should not believe in man-made Global Warming because it's advocates have no empirical science to back their claim. And their advocacy movement has been mired in scandal since its beginning. Here are some things you should know:

1) The Earth has been both much warmer and much colder in the distant past, long before the industrial age. Climate is indeed changing, but it has always changed and probably always will. These are obviously natural cycles that man does not and cannot control.

2) Global Warming alarmists have been caught in one lie after another. Huge scandals have been continuously revealed since the early 1980’s when the campaign began. Some of these are listed below:

3) Al Gore’s movie "An Inconvenient Truth" was full of bald faced lies. Like the Polar Bears were drowning, or the Ice Caps were melting, or the oceans were rising --- all lies. In fact a court of England ruled the movie was so flawed that it could not be shown to school children without a disclaimer.

4) The ClimateGate affair exposed the utter corruption of the Warmist community with their exposed emails speaking of how they intended to “hide the decline” and how to manipulate data and the peer-review process in their favor.

5) Then there is the fact that the globe isn’t even warming anymore and the small amount of warming experienced from the 1900’s to 2013 timeframe was negligible and well within the envelope of normal.

6) During this same period of marginal warming, scientists also noticed that other planets in our solar system were warming. What do these planets have in common ? --- the Sun.

7) Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit, the Guru and High Priest of Global Warming himself admitted there has been no statistically significant warming. If anyone on the planet would have been aware of statistically significant warming it would have been Phil Jones and he admitted there has been none. (Game Over)

8) Warmists like Al Gore refuse to engage in any formal debate on the issue. That’s because on the few occasions Warmist have debated openly, they lose, and they lose big. Lord Monckton utterly destroys them time and time again.

9) Al Gore and other Warmists have stated clearly that they want to make CO2 the object of a global tax. CO2 is the perfect object for their revenue purposes because you literally cannot live without making CO2, after all, we exhale it. And current science has shown clearly that there is no correlation between the planet’s mean temperature and the concentration of CO2 in the air. Demonizing CO2 is all about the tax dollars, and that’s all its about.

See the scam for what it is and don’t believe any of it.

Polar Bears are doing fine:


Phil Jones admits NO statistically significant warming


35 major errors in Al Gore’s movie


Court rules Al Gore’s movie unfit without disclaimer (11 major errors reviewed)


Graphs showing that CO2 does NOT drive Temperature


Warming on Mars -- and Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune


Lord Monckton destroys Warmist in debate (Video)


For the full story on the man-made Global Warming scam watch these:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

The Global Warming consists in an increasing of temperatures on Earth that can cause lots of environmental problems like the change of vegetation, melting ice, the release of CO2 into the atmosphere, Acid rains ecc...

Anyway I do believe in Global warming.

From my point of view, temperatures are rising: I live in Finland, so as you can imagine it should be cold here, For the reason that I am very interested in meteorology I'm a bit worried: In Finland usually the snow covers the Finnish territory in October and melts in late May in the north and late April in the south. Last winter was a particular Winter because the snow came in December and it is very late for Finland, anyway this winter was really warm, the mean temperatures of January and February usually are around - 10 / - 3, but in this winter there have been a few days with temperatures below - 5 degrees, snow was rainy snow. Another thing that I am worried about is that this Summer is one of the hottest summer ever here in Southern Finland ( where I live ): Usually Finnish Summer is very cool and comfortable with average temperatures in June around + 9 / +16, July + 14 / +21, August + 7 / + 15 and September + 5 / + 10 and in August Autumn begins and school begins on 9 August. Anyway in this Summer temperatures are completely different: This June has been very warm with sunny days with temperatures above + 30 degrees. And in this July it's difficult to find days with temperatures below 20 degrees. So for me it's Ok and good to have a hot summer: I can go to the Beach to take the sun, I can relax and it is a more relaxing atmosphere, but it's not good for the environment, and if the environment is not healthy I don't like it and I prefer much more the typical fresh Finnish summer with fresh air, and to say the truth I miss the real long, dark and extremely cold typical Finnish Winter, you know just to let you know that three Winters ago in Helsinki, the capital of finland, the temperature the temperature fell to -35 degrees and last Summer there were few days with temperatures above +20 degrees. So I hope that the season will come again as normal. In practice I think that this is a perfect example to explain how temperatures are changing on Earth and in my opinion we should stop it by start respecting that Earth and stop making pollution that will affect the global warming.

Anyway can I tell you something that I think personally:

People does not believe in the Global Warming and they ignore this fact that can be called a problem because it is an easy way... It's obvious also for me it would be easy ignore the problems that I have, but I don't do it because then things get worse. So what I want to tell you is that we shouldn't ignore this problem by saying I don't believe. But we should face it. And a good start is to start by appreciating the beauty of our Earth. ( by respecting it )

Best Regards.


Nervous systems don't behave rationally. They couldn't do their jobs if they did. One thing all of us have in common is that our brains won't notice information contrary to an ingrained opinion. Some pretty important advances in teaching science have resulted from knowing this and structuring really simple experiments so that kids can discover for themselves what is going on. That gets around the prejudice problem. Advertizers, lobbyists, politicians and assorted other professional liars are as well aware as the psychologists that opinions tied to emotional content are almost impossible to change without substantial effort on the part of the person with the opinion.

The huge value of science as an institution is that insistence on duplication of results and the smooth fit of any scientific theory into all of the rest of the structure makes it extremely difficult for an emotional opinion based on mistaken science to be contageous within the community. The same can't be said for society as a whole, as this YA topic amply illustrates.

I think you know why, if you had enough information and evidence you could convince your friend. It is not his fault your position isn't strong enough to persuade him.

The fact is after several decades of failed predictions, alarmist cries about how we should do something because what you propose to keep those failed predictions from happening is a "good" thing anyway, cries about how bad weather isn't climate change but it might be, that the more uncertain scientist are the more we should be concerned, the science is still not mainstream. Bad weather isn't your fault, it is possible you'll grow out of your guilt but not as long as you embrace the notion that there are simply thing science cannot explain so you must simply believe.

Jeffery you are wrong, I myself believed in climate change, until I looked closer, when I heard it said that CO2 lags temperature change I did some research to try find out for myself, the more research I did the less I believed, when I eventually found out that the warming effects of CO2 logarithmically declines with concentrations and nearly all the warming it can cause has been done with the first 100ppm, then I new it was a myth.

Plus the evidence I can see with my eyes and feel with my skin, I am 67yrs old and the climate is no different that it was, as when I was a little boy, and there is no sea level rise, I walk along the beach every day and see no changes.

As there appear to be a few adherents of the orthodox doctrine, perhaps they can answer this question that is avoided by the committed (and, in the main, publicly salaried) scientists. The fundamental basis of their argument is that as the levels of so-called greenhouse gases rise (and we're not just talking about CO2) the more of the sun's heat is retained in the atmosphere THEREFORE temperatures must rise. WRONG! Schoolboy physics tells us that the reason is that these gases have a higher specific heat than the dominant oxygen/nitrogen mix. Now specific heat is defined as the amount of heat (in calories) required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1 degree centigrade. Hence the presence of these gases allows the atmosphere to retain more heat WITHOUT raising average temperatures. Until I get a straight answer to that one, I will continue to dismiss the scare stories as so much b****cks.

People believe their God controls the weather. They believe that there is a plan by the governments of the world to form a one world government to take away peoples money by increasing taxes. There are conspiracy minded people that believe in every conspiracy they read. And it's not helped much that the powers that will be affected by this continue to support bad science and bad statements and websites that support the idea that there is a conspiracy or other such things. Rupert Murdoch, for one, is an oil man/media mogul that regularly puts forward falsehoods in his companies in attempts to pursued the public into believing nonsense.



It follows very much the same profile that tobacco did with smoking. Some of the people, such as Fred Singer, were involved in both and some thinktanks, such as the Heartland Institute, are involved as well and continue to be.


Another one of the people who were intimately involved with both of these things was the late Fredrick Seitz, who worked for the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company at one point and, along with the Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine, released a petition made to look like a scientific study in efforts to pursued the public that it is questioned. The petition is actually regularly brought up by many of the contributors in here who don;t know any better. It is claimed that over 31,000 'scientists' have signed the petition yet only 9000 of them have PHDs and only a small handful of them work in fields related to climate science.

Why, you ask, do people fall for this sort of stuff? Because they are conspiracy theorists, many of them being simpletons, that believe the government is after them and the ruling powers seek to destroy the civilized world. There are those that do have a lack of understanding and are honestly attempting to learn. However it is very doubtful you will find any of them in here who are self proclaimed 'skeptics', though I am sure you may find one or two, such as Koshka, yet they often post questions or make claims concerning conspiracies as well.

Well, there are lot of people out there saying it's not real, and almost all of the people that don't believe it are untrained in science. If you look at this forum you'll see some people that very vehemently deny it it's real--and every one of those persons has no training in physics, meteorology, atmospheric science or climate science.

If you pretend it's not real, then you don't have to do anything about it.

Lack of awareness and interest in science is one of the reasons why people aren't able to understand what is going around them. People are awaiting a complete disaster that is sure to happen in future.

1. Confirmation bias, and similar brain tricks. Our minds tend to reject "unfriendly" information, however valid; http://m.motherjones.com/politics/2011/0... discusses the matter at length.

2. Lack of scientific understanding. Climate science is kind of complex, and some aspects of it aren't very intuitive ("How can it be snowing, if there's global warming?" and so on). Some people disbelieve what they don't understand. (there's something of the same problem with evolution)

3. Flat-out lying, or at least trusting a lying source. I suspect at least some people who deny global warming are skewing (or even blatantly faking) information because reality does not match their political biases, and/or because they are trying to protect some income source or the like that could be threatened by action to stop AGW.

Spend some time reading the Climategate Scandal emails.

Read a couple of reviews on Al Gore's tripe.....Inconvenient Truth.

I'm trying to explain to my silly friend who believes climate change is a hoax. I'm trying to figure out why but he's just giving me opinion that I have no way of understanding.

This is an honest question and I'm requesting a non political answer. (It that's possible) The Earth's climate is changing significantly faster since the industrial revolution. It is accepted by 95% percent of scientists to be real and caused by humans. To put that into perspective around 89 percent of all scientists believe in evolution. Why are people still thinking that this is a hoax set up by liberal politicians who want to rule our lives? (I can't even begin to comprehend how Besides, why wouldn't you want to make the planet a better place? Are people that stupid? Scientists are the ultimate skeptics and they really try to make sure that all data is accurate. Hoaxes are a real crime in the scientific community and there are severe consequences.

I'm not trying to offend anyone's lack of understanding. Because I don't understand why people don't want to fix it too. Because the real losers of climate change are humans. The rest of the planet will be just fine while we die. I'm not trying to create a nuclear explosion of anger, although my discourse may not completely agree with my intentions.I'm just looking for some answers to why.

Climate includes all weather patterns. Climate Change also includes changes in crop production animal migration and weather, and how these systems interact with each other, over a period of many generations.

Thanks for your answers!

They don't want to take responsibility for their actions and are scientifically illiterate

Dunning-Krueger syndrome, mostly.

it's not going to hap-pend