> Who more often talks about polar bears, climate scientists or dupes of anti-science made up 20 yrs ago by fossil fuel an

Who more often talks about polar bears, climate scientists or dupes of anti-science made up 20 yrs ago by fossil fuel an

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Forget about polar bears. The warmunists are now prophesizing the climate deaths of puppies and kittens!

“The loss of pet cats and dogs garnered particular attention among wealthy Westerners, but what was anomalous in 2023 soon became the new normal. A shadow of ignorance and denial had fallen over people who considered themselves children of the Enlightenment."…

Be afraid: “By 2040, heatwaves and droughts were the norm… In wealthy countries, the most hurricane- and tornado-prone regions were gradually but steadily depopulated… Then, in the northern hemisphere summer of 2041, unprecedented heatwaves scorched the planet, destroying food crops around the globe. Panic ensued, with food riots in virtually every major city. Mass migration of undernourished and dehydrated individuals, coupled with explosive increases in insect populations, led to widespread outbreaks of typhus, cholera, dengue fever, yellow fever, and viral and retroviral agents never seen before… The European Union announced similar plans for voluntary northward relocation of eligible citizens from its southernmost regions to Scandinavia and the United Kingdom…”


If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

~ Abraham Lincoln

Artic ice has grown about 60% and thicker over the last 2 yrs since it's low in 2012. The Antarctic ice is at an all time high. I believe they were able to take satilite measurements since 1979.

Polar bears are talking about grizzly bears. Apparently they are breeding and having fertile offspring. Are you afraid of the pozzley bear?


Apparently, this has been going on for millions of years. It was once considered shameful for bears to have interracial sex, but as with humans, it is now OK. The pozzley bears may be better adapted to both water and land.

Who the **** knows what he is talking about. First the AGW dupes claim there is a conspiracy to make the theory of AGW look ignorant. Then turn around and claim, because climate science can't come to conclusions or predictions that come anywhere near reality, nonbelievers are the conspiracy nuts. We are supposed to differintiate between wacko and sane comments made by the same person, while simultaneously seeing the wacko comments as a potential reality that by itself should be scary enough to make you a believer.

They tells me, in the years to come, due to climate change, the only place I will ever see polar bears is in a zoo. Well, do I have news for them. No matter what happens, the earth warms 20 degrees or gets 20 degrees colder, the only place I will ever see a polar bear is in a zoo. So they are right? I guess they are to some extent!

According Blowhard Al Gore, since 2013, the ice all melted and New York is completely under water. With the arctic refreezing at such a rapid rate, will New York drain and become usable again?

It is certainly the dupes of anti-science. Scientists work to determine what is really going on, the dupes are the ones that keep on ranting.

The polar bears have have left here, shape-shifted as longhorns, and migrated to Dallas, raising the average IQ of both places.

Those global warming kooks (like Al Gore) are so dumb, they think Polar bears live in Warsaw.

The original fear mongering was made by alarmists of course. Skeptics probably mention it to prove that alarmists are mostly wrong in their fear mongering prediction.

This is another 'plagiarized' (Ha! Ha!) question from the Dorkster.

It seems that the Dorkster is getting frustrated by the subject that was initiated by the greenies themselves and now are getting rebutted by actual facts, data and logic.

This shows the growing frustration by the greenies as they see theirs and Al Gore's world crumbling before their eyes. What do you think?

Dupes like you.