> Which areas of geography are involved with climate change?

Which areas of geography are involved with climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
hanks! :)))

Climate change requires an understanding of the interactions between the Biosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and Atmosphere, as well as the impact of human activity on all of the above. Understanding why climate change is occurring requires history, psychology, cultural studies, sociology and anthropology. Looking at how to solve the problem requires an understanding of the environmental sciences, sustainability, politics, psychology, system dynamics, ethics, economics and engineering. There are probably more I have not mentioned but geography is a part of most of these knowledge areas and every aspect of geography is is reflected among them.

All areas of the world have undergone climate change at one time or the other. It is a natural action and was here long before Al Gore.

Physical geography

All areas. It's a very very confined ecosystem, limited to this planet.

thanks! :)))